What's the difference between "golden"and "gold"
20 de out de 2009 06:33
Respostas · 7
Hello 西班牙眼睛, "Gold" beside being a noun that refers to the metal gold, it is an adjective as well that refers to the bright shiny yellow color : "She wears a gold shirt" *Here 'gold' is an adjective*. "Golden" is only an adjective and no noun. It is almost synonyms with gold ,when it refers to something being bright yellow in color : "an endless golden beach" It refers also to something made of Gold: " She wears a golden chain. " **However it has a different meaning ,where "gold" can't be interchanged with it, when referring to something that is favorable ,wonderful and advantageous : " This job is a golden opportunity for you, you should take it. " So "golden" will always indicate that something is booming , wonderful or successful as in : "golden age" is a period of time marked by high achievement specially in art and literature . ** There is another remarkable difference between "gold" and "golden", when both are adjectives: - 'Gold' means made of gold or having the color gold exactly ,while 'golden' could also mean having the appearance of 'gold' as in : "golden beach" , the color of the sand is similar to the color of gold. You are not likely to hear ' gold beach' . Where a 'gold chain' refers to it being made of gold or having the exact color of gold .
20 de outubro de 2009
golden (adjective) 1 made of gold:(a golden crown) 2 bright yellow in colour like gold:(golden hair) 3 special; wonderful:(golden memories) gold adjective [only before noun] bright yellow in colour, like gold:(The company name was spelled out in gold letters.) noun 1 precious metal 2 the coulour of gold 3 gold medal:(The team look set to win Olympic gold) source: Oxford dictionary
20 de outubro de 2009
Gold is a noun, a mineral substance found in nature. Often used for making jewelry, and in the past as money, it is considered very valuable. Golden is an adjective which describes something the color of gold, like golden hair. Both metaphorically can mean something considered very valuable or the best, like "the gold standard" or "Silence is golden."
20 de outubro de 2009
golden it's adjective( for example golden palace)! gold it's noun (like silver) good wishes!
20 de outubro de 2009
Gold is the metal and golden is the colour. Gold is a noun and golden is an adjective.
20 de outubro de 2009
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