In my opinion, there is an implicit contradiction in doing this that makes it a bad choice. For instance, you may like coffee and you may also like drinking beer, but as we all know they do not belong to the same environment, academically speaking - there's always room for the artist world. The point is that a hobby, by nature, is an activity we should enjoy just for fun, just for the pleasure of doing so, even if that could provide an extra income at some point, it's not the reason why we are spending time on that activity. Building a career implies sacrifice, duty, commitment, projecting a future job or lifestyle. I committed the mistake of doing so at an earlier stage of my life. I decided to make a living from dancing. The passion for your hobby can be so strong that sometimes you might be drawn into it. The human purpose is so vast that aiming it at only one task (job) that can combine: making a living, feeling good about it and self-developing, is pretty damn hard.
19 de set de 2021 16:23
Correções · 1
In my opinion, there is an implicit contradiction in doing this that makes it a bad choice. For instance, you may like coffee and you may also like drinking beer, but as we all know they do not belong to the same environment, academically speaking - there's always room for the artistic world. The point is that a hobby, by nature, is an activity we should enjoy just for fun, just for the pleasure of doing so, even if that could provide an extra income at some point, it's not the reason why we are spending time on that activity. Building a career implies sacrifice, duty, commitment, projecting a future job or lifestyle. I committed the mistake of doing so at an early stage of my life. I decided to make a living from dancing. The passion for your hobby can be so strong that sometimes you might be drawn into it. The human purpose is so vast that aiming it at only one task (job) that can combine: making a living, feeling good about it and self-developing, is pretty damn hard.
Great work :)
19 de setembro de 2021
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