Encontra o melhor professor de Japonês online para ti
Encontra o melhor tutor online de Japonês para ti: escolhe entre os nossos professores de Japonês online experientes e obtém a melhor experiência de aprendizagem.
85 Aulas
Atsushi Fujisawa
Please tell me your favorite Japanese Anime/Manga/Games! I'm beginner language teacher. I can't teach you anything specialized in Japanese. but now learning Japanese teaching skill. Let's grow up together!
60 Aulas
Improve your Japanese at your own pace while having fun with a traveling Japanese teacher! I am a native Japanese speaker and I had been studying to become a qualified Japanese teacher for four years in the university. I had worked at an automobile-related company for 12 years, so I can help you with business Japanese and polite expressions as well. I can speak English and Korean. But it has been a while since I studied them , so I am not very fluent now. This could be a disadvantage for you, but I think it will be also an advantage to study Japanese. Don't worry if you are not good at speaking. My lesson's atmosphere is very relaxing, so please don’t be afraid of making mistakes! I'm looking forward to supporting you can enjoy speaking Japanese ✨
3,244 Aulas
⭐Learn with Kim/Kin
🌟🌟 No.1 teacher in 2022💫💫1% Top teacher in 2023.Like your best friend 😄 Immersion 🤗 亲和力满满,经验满满 【熟能生巧】【Practice Makes Perfect】【習うより慣れよ】【배우기보다 익숙해져라】 从学生时代,我已经开始教来自不同文化的学生。,而且我在中国、日本、印度尼西亚和韩国都教过。 我不仅在italki, Duolingo多邻国, Tutoring等线上平台有教学经历,在很多线下平台也积累了多年的丰富经验。 Since school years, I have already started to teach foreign students from different cultures. For offline, I have been teaching in China, Japan, Indonesia, and Korea. For online, I have been teaching on different platforms, such as italki, Duolingo, Tutoring and quite a few local brands.
160 Aulas
海外の学校で日本語教師としての指導経験!優しく、丁寧に教えます:) 日本語教師養成講座を受講し、日本語教師の資格を持っています。 なので、会話だけでなく文法も基礎から教えることができます。 東京の学校・海外の学校でオンライン日本語教師として働いています。 -日本語初級文法クラス -日本語能力試験対策授業(N3) 毎回、授業後に今日のまとめのフィードバックと学んだ語彙リストを送ります。 I am a licensed Japanese language teacher. I completed the training for Japanese language teacher and obtained my license to teach Japanese in 2024 Therefore, I can teach grammar as well as conversation from the basics. I work as an online Japanese teacher at a school in Tokyo. ・Beginner class teacher at Japanese language school ・JLPT preparation lessons (N3) I send feedback on today's lesson summary and a vocabulary list after every lesson.
Naoya Sasaki
自分自身の言語学習で苦労した所や、やって良かった事などを皆さんと共有しながら授業をしていきたいと思っています。 私自身、新しいこと、異なる人の考え方、異なる文化に興味があるので、人の話を聞くのが好きです。 ですので、話すのが苦手で上手になりたいと思っている人には、私のような先生が向いていると思います! I want to share the challenges I faced and the things that worked well for me in my own language learning journey during the lessons. I am interested in new things, different perspectives, and various cultures, so I enjoy listening to people's stories. Therefore, I believe that someone like me would be a good fit for those who find speaking difficult and want to improve!
8 Professores de Instant Lesson
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786 Aulas
925 Aulas
20 Aulas
151 Aulas
拥有在日本和韩国教授汉语经验的资深语言学教师。 我曾经在日本和韩国对团体和个人讲授过汉语。 我一直以为外国学生服务而自豪。 我愿意将我关于语言方面的学识分享给每一位学生,这是我的乐趣。 我拥有得到认证的学历证书,还有汉语资格证书。 毫无疑问,我的汉语是语调标准而发音清晰的。 I have taught Chinese to groups and individuals in Japan and Korea. I am always proud of serving foreign students. I would like to share my knowledge about language with every student, which is my pleasure. I have a certified diploma and a qualification certificate in Chinese. There is no doubt that my Chinese is standard in intonation and clear in pronunciation.
365 Aulas
みゆう Miyu
ネイティブのような日本語で会話しましょう!:) Let's talk in Japanese like native speakers! :) 私がitalkiで日本語を教えている理由は、日本に行かなく日本語を話せるようになる喜びを感じてほしいからです。私はオンライン英会話をするまで、外国人を1対1で話す勇気もなく、スピーキングもなかなか上達しませんでした。しかし、オンライン講師と二人三脚でたくさん練習し、自分の意見を自信をもって伝えることができるようになりました。 皆さんの日本語学習の苦労に共感できるところも多いと思います。少しでも楽しく、効率よく学習できるように、一緒に頑張りましょう‼ Why I teach Japanese on italki is because I want everyone to feel happy by being able to speak Japanese without going to Japan. I didn't have the courage to speak to foreigners one-on-one and my speaking didn't improve very much until I tried online English conversation. But after much practice with my online tutors, I am now able to express my opinions with confidence. I can relate to difficulties in learning Japanese. Let's learn Japanese with fun and efficiency!
26.0k Aulas
一緒に日本語を話しましょう! I have been teaching Japanese for 10years since 2009 and have been teaching English as well. Before becoming a Japanese language teacher, I taught mathematics too.
1,285 Aulas
I have had the opportunity to talk with people from many different countries, and each time I have taught them a little about Japanese culture and the language, I have a desire to explain my country to people from more countries. The most important thing when I learned a foreign language was to increase the opportunities to use that language. No matter how much you study, if you don't use it often, you'll spend a lot of time learning it. For the above reasons, I decided that it is important to focus on conversation-centered free-talk in my lessons, first of all, to create many opportunities for you to talk about topics you like, so that you can get used to speaking.
24 Aulas
A friendly and talkative teacher of Russian and Japanese:) I have many students off-line, and we enjoy a conversation class. I want my students to spend a great time while learning, not only to get some new information, but also to release some stress from work and have a lot of of positive emotions. Also what I consider important is to help students learn some new vocabulary during the class, as I think it can be the most difficult part when you struggle with language learning. So I suggest to learn new words and practice them immediately by using those words during the class in different forms.
297 Aulas
Both children and adults are welcome! I am friendly so relax and don't be afraid to make mistakes! 《My qualifications/experience》 I am certified as a "Children's Japanese Language Instructor" and "Advanced Children's Japanese Language Instructor" by Association of Japanese Language for Children (AJLC). I have learned teaching methods specific to children. ★2023年2月 国際こども日本語教育協会認定 “こども日本語指導者資格コース” 合格🎉 ★2023年4月 国際こども日本語教育協会認定“こども日本語上級指導者資格コース”合格🎉 I am studying to become a professional Japanese teacher!
5 Aulas
日本が好き!食べ物が好き!アニメが好き!一緒に楽しく会話しましょう♪ ・現在(げんざい)、初心者(しょしんしゃ)から上級者(じょうきゅうしゃ)まで日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えています。 I am teaching Japanese for beginner to advanced level. ・生徒(せいと)の皆(みな)さんには、楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)が身(み)についていく感覚(かんかく)を味(あじ)わってほしいです。 My goal is for students to experience the feeling of learning Japanese in a fun way. ・私(わたし)は皆(みな)さんの話(はなし)を聞(き)くことが大好(だいす)きなので、失敗(しっぱい)を気(き)にせず、たくさん話(はな)しましょうね。 I would love to listen to you, so please talk a lot without worrying about making mistakes.
88 Aulas
Conversation-specific lessons make learning Japanese fun!✨ Lessons in a relaxed atmosphere😊 I have been teaching Japanese since 2023. Before becoming a teacher, I was a software engineer in Tokyo for two years. Before that, I taught math, English, and science to junior high and high school students at a cram school for 4 years. 私(わたし)は2023年(ねん)から日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)をしています。 講師(こうし)になる前(まえ)は2年間(ねんかん)東京(とうきょう)でソフトウェアエンジニアをしていました。 その前(まえ)は塾(じゅく)で中学生(ちゅうがくせい)と高校生(こうこうせい)に数学(すうがく)、英語(えいご)、理科(りか)を4年間(ねんかん)教(おし)えていました。 Learning a foreign language is not easy, but it is important not to be afraid of making mistakes and to have fun while learning. Let's have fun learning Japanese with me. I’ll support you gently! 外国語を学ぶのは簡単ではありませんが、間違えるのを恐れず、楽しみながら学ぶことが大切です。私といっしょに楽しく日本語を学びましょう。優しくサポートします!
1,972 Aulas
Hiromi UD
en français & in English 🌟 塾講師歴4年🏫オンライン講師歴5年半💻 仏 Après avoir fini les études, j'ai travaillé comme enseignante d'anglais principalement pour les élèves d'école secondaire. Maintenant je donne des cours privés de japonais en Suisse, et j’enseigne aussi l’anglais et le français de niveau débutant aux Japonais. De plus, il m'arrive de temps en temps de faire des cours d'origami depuis toujours. Je vais également lancer un cours pour apprendre à faire des sushis aux enfants. 英 Since graduation, I've worked at a private school for over four years, mainly as an English teacher for children around 11 to 15 years old. Now I sometimes teach Japanese, Origami and Sushi-making in French and also basic English and French to Japanese. 😊✨
33 Aulas
日本語がはなせる!わかる!つたわる!Let's use Japanese in real-life situations in Japan with a certified tutor!/A1-B2 レッスンの主役(しゅやく)は、あなたです!✨✨ I think Ayako will be your good learning companion. リラックスして たのしく べんきょうできます。 - I teach Japanese a learner from China in a public class once a week in person. - I had been an assistant Japanese teacher in senior high schools in Surabaya, Indonesia for 6 months. - I had online Japanese classes with the learners from Indonesia and Taiwan (A1-B1 level). - I have completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course and have successfully passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services in 2023. - I had been a staff writer for a local newspaper for over 20 years. はなせる!わかる!つたわる!日本語!
6 Aulas
Slowly and steadily to learn Japanese, step by step! I will be providing cheerful lessons. I tend to speak Japanese slowly If this helps improving your listening skills I would be happy!
3,793 Aulas
Yoshi Shimizu
Native Japanese, fluent in English. Great communication skills and international cultural knowledge. I first got involved in teaching Japanese as a conversation tutor when I was at the university in San Francisco, USA. Since then, I love working with people from different cultural backgrounds. This is also one of the reasons why I became a documentary photographer. I have visited over 90 countries to document different cultures and people. For the joy of teaching, I have also taught photography at workshops. Teaching requires a great deal of patience and communication artistry which also apply to become a good photographer as well. In general, it is truly rewarding to see my students succeed in learning skills.
3 Aulas
★★楽しく日本語を勉強しましょう\(^o^)/★★ 日本語教師養成講座(420H)修了 一緒にJLPTの合格をめざしましょう!! 今まで勉強した日本語で会話の練習をしたい方は楽しく会話をしましょう!! 日本語教師養成講座(420時間)を修了しました。 今は日本語教室で 日本語を教えています。 日本語は文字の種類(ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字)も多いし、漢字には読み方がたくさんあるので、難しいと感じると思いますが、実は簡単なところもたくさんあります。 語彙や文法など基礎から楽しく日本語を勉強しましょう。 明るいです。 フレンドリーです。 忍耐強いです。
4,660 Aulas
Certified teacher, explain JPN grammar in ENG on request, friendly & helpful, fun & relaxed!! Since I have studied English myself, I know how you feel and the problems when studying a second language. I will adjust my teaching methods to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed while studying. 私自身英語を勉強した経験がありますので、第2言語を勉強する際どんな点が大変か理解することができます。 授業スタイルを工夫して、みなさんが楽しく言語を習得できるよう心がけます。
604 Aulas
🎀Children(2-15)specialist😊专攻儿童🚩Japanese teacher in Taiwan kindergarten🌸JLPT N5 for kids ages 10~ I’m a professional Japanese teacher for young learners with a lot of experience. I’ve taught in Taiwan and I’ve taught in many other environments. My policy is “no fun, no class”. When you choose a language teacher, there’s one thing you should remember. Teaching adults and children is different. If you want your child to be a successful language learner, find a teacher who specializes in teaching children! Adults are determined to learn in a classroom, but children are not. They learn through fun activities and interactions.