Finlandês professor Alexandra


Tutor da Comunidade
A modern-day language coach
De FinlândiaMora em Helsinki (Helsingfors), Finlândia (05:13 UTC+03:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 21 de Oct de 2021
Tópico de interesseFinançasViagemSaúdeHistóriaArte
Hey there! I’m Alexandra and I´m living in the stunning landscapes of Finland! I’ve pursued studies in Nursing at Laurea University and delved into Psychology at the University of Helsinki. However, as I’ve now discovered my true calling, I am specializing in assisting individuals in learning new languages and instilling the confidence to utilize these languages in daily life. I am a native Finnish and Russian speaker. As a person I am very adventurous and positive person. I love to try new things and meeting new people! My interests are sports, psychology and overall well-being.

Finlandês Aulas

Aula Experimental
207 aulas concluídas
USD 14.00+
YKI Puhuminen
A1 -  C1

Prática de Conversação

2,185 aulas concluídas
USD 35.00+
Pacote com 5% de desconto
Luemme yhdessä / Reading together
A2 -  C2


629 aulas concluídas
USD 23.00+
Pacote com 13% de desconto
Harjoitusta keskustellen / Conversational Practice
A1 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

460 aulas concluídas
USD 24.00+
Pacote com 11% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)

124 Revisões

Aluno Greta
61 Finlandês aulas
Escolha do professor
Alexandra is a really good tutor, she adapts herself to the student's needs regardless of the level. She finds always engaging topics to discuss and she is ready to answer your questions at any moment. She is very skilled also for more advanced learners because she always comes prepared to the lessons with suitable activities (and this is something that I usually struggled with other tutors which were often improvising on the spot). I am looking forward to continuing my lessons with her! :)
8 de fev de 2024
Aluno Ben
10 Finlandês aulas
Escolha do professor
Alexandra on tosi ystävällinen, hän käyttää hyvää resurssejaa ja hän selittää täydellisesti. Kiitos paljon !
25 de dez de 2023
Aluno Sophia
183 Finlandês aulas
Escolha do professor
Alexandra is a wonderful tutor! She has really helped me take my Finnish to the next level. She is patient and kind, which is really important because language learning can be a vulnerable feeling activity! We do reading lessons together and she always has great suggestions for texts that are just at the right level, not too easy and not too hard. She helps me stretch without making it too overwhelming. In addition, she is always timely and has a great attitude. I highly suggest working with Alexandra if you want to grow in your language learning!
19 de jul de 2023
Aluno Andrey Shigaev
Andrey Shigaev
20 Finlandês aulas
I have been training my language skills with Alexandra for over a dozen, maybe more lessons, and she took every lesson as the first one with due attention, patience (yes!) and a smile. Amazing teacher, a great pleasure to work with!
8 de jul de 2024
Aluno Sam
1 Finlandês aula
Alexandra was warm and friendly, putting me at ease straight away. She encouraged me with pronunciation and I felt pleased with my speaking attempts. I feel sure I would do well with her as a teacher.
5 de jun de 2024
Aluno Andreea
5 Finlandês aulas
I am having SO much fun learning with Alexandra! She is helping me make order in the stuff I’ve been learning from Duolingo, and slowly slowly I am learning to have mini conversations with her, while starting to understand how the grammar works. Finnish is a beautiful language and I cannot wait to be able to speak it better. Alexandra is a fantastic teacher and I’m really glad to have found her! Would recommend most heartily!!
7 de mai de 2024
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