Persa (Farsi) professor mostafa.seyyedabadi


Tutor da Comunidade
Persa (Farsi)
Motivated Teacher With more than 2 Years Experience of Teaching Persian
De TurquiaMora em Other, Turquia (19:27 UTC+03:30)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 26 de Sep de 2023
Tópico de interesseAmbiente & NaturezaViagem
I'm Iranian, so that I'm native Persian speaker. Because my parents have been teacher, I've learned formal (Tehrani) accent. I've graduated in school counseling, from Farhangian Mashhad University, which focuses on teaching methods, students personality and everything related to teaching. Iran's Ministry of Education has hired me, after I graduated. I love to introduce Iran culture, beside teaching Persian, if you want. If you like to learn how to cook delicious Iranian food, I can help you :)

Persa (Farsi) Aulas

Aula Experimental
0 aulas concluídas
USD 5.00+
How to order food
A2 -  B2

Prática de Conversação

0 aulas concluídas
USD 7.00
Pacote com 17% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
Minhas criações
Teste (2)


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