Italiano professor Alessandra


Tutor da Comunidade
De ItáliaMora em Milan, Itália (04:22 UTC+02:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 13 de Jun de 2017
Tópico de interesseViagemLeituraComida
大家好!你想来意大利学习吗?你想抓住和意大利有关的工作机会吗?还是你想来意大利旅游呢? 这些我都可以帮你,我可以帮你提高你的意大利语水平,欢迎预约试听课程,开启意大利语学习之旅。 Ciao a tutti! Posso aiutarti a migliorare il tuo italiano attraverso l’ascolto e la conversazione. Ti aspetto!

Italiano Aulas

Aula Experimental
691 aulas concluídas
USD 5.00+
A1 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

14.1k aulas concluídas
USD 7.00+
Pacote com 9% de desconto
"L'ITALIA E LA SUA CULTURA" LETTURA,PRONUNCIA E......(per tutti i livelli linguistici)
A1 -  C2


1,808 aulas concluídas
USD 8.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto
CORSO DI LINGUA ITALIANA(materiale+correzioni scritte+compiti a casa)A1-B2
A1 -  B2


1,258 aulas concluídas
USD 8.00+
Pacote com 7% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)

3,685 Revisões

Aluno James Wong
James Wong
8 Italiano aulas
Escolha do professor
Alessandra is always a nice and patient Italian teacher. I feel so relaxed during every lesson with her. She is diligent and well-prepared. We do plenty of reading, listening, writing and speaking. She makes Italian laguage become easy to everyone! In addition, she cares students a lot that she understands what level of materials and lectures should be provided. All the lessons are tailor-made to suit different students. I really appreciate her passion on teaching. Thank you.
12 de jul de 2024
Aluno k:)
31 Italiano aulas
Escolha do professor
Alessandra is always in tune with your linguistic needs. Due to her extensive experience teaching and translating, she's very talented when it comes to teaching. She also makes good conversation, regardless of your level. She knows how to make you speak in a relaxed manner and correct you when it’s necessary. Something I really like is that she writes all the corrections in the chat so that you can go over them later. In addition, to top it all off, she makes sure to always speak in Italian (she speaks with a neutral accent and very clearly). Alessandra knows how to get the best out of her students :). During my learning process with Spanish, the first language I learned with a self-taught approach, I learned a lot about how to learn languages in the most efficient way. So, I am VERY particular about who I choose as my teacher. If I picked her, there’s a reason why. She is the best! Grazie mille per tutto, Alessandra! Mi hai aiutato a migliore molto il mio italiano in poco tempo.
18 de mai de 2024
Aluno Jonas Lindgren
Jonas Lindgren
266 Italiano aulas
Escolha do professor
Another great lesson with Alessandra where I practice my Italian conversational skills while learning about Italian society. As always, Alessandra sends me useful words and phrases throughout the lesson.
27 de mar de 2024
Aluno Lynn G
Lynn G
8 Italiano aulas
This is a very good class! This is my seventh lesson and I look forward to continuing with Alessandra.
26 de jul de 2024
Aluno CindyYang58
1 Italiano aula
Alessandra è paziente, disponibile e molto preparata! Ho imparato molto e ho avuto un'ottima prima lezione!
25 de jul de 2024
Aluno Analis Bernacchi Atkinson
Analis Bernacchi Atkinson
165 Italiano aulas
Un’altra bellissima lezione con Alessandra! 😊
25 de jul de 2024
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