Azeri professor Arvid


Tutor da Comunidade
Sprache entsteht nur, indem man selbst aktiv in dieser Sprache denkt und spricht .
De Federação RussaMora em Baki, Azerbaijão (05:25 UTC+04:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 3 de May de 2019
Tópico de interesseFilmesLeituraEsportes
Hi everyone. Nice to meet you. My name is Arvid. I'm 31 years old. I really enjoy meeting new people and helping others. I'm here to help you to achieve your German ,Azeri and Russian learning goals. I have a really great passion for languages. My hobbies are football, table tennis, chess ,books and music. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Azeri Aulas

Aula Experimental
471 aulas concluídas
USD 7.00+
Informal Tutoring
A1 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

361 aulas concluídas
USD 8.00+


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
Minhas criações
Teste (6)

827 Revisões

Aluno Aliya
10 Alemão aulas
Escolha do professor
Das ist sehr kompetenter Lehrer mit großer Erfahrung. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass unsere Stunden mir Spaß machen. Der Lehrer motiviert die deutsche Sprache weiter zu lernen. Jeder Unterricht bringt viel positive Emotionen. Vielen Dank für ehrliche und gute Arbeit!!!!
4 de mai de 2024
Aluno Valentin Ivanov
Valentin Ivanov
14 Alemão aulas
Escolha do professor
Arvid is a good, educated, and polite teacher. He helped me a lot to feel confident speaking German. In our conversations, Arvid uses appropriate vocabulary and grammar, in order to consolidate and improve my speaking skills. I feel like each lesson I'm really getting better in German. Thank you!
23 de nov de 2022
Aluno Lisa
13 Alemão aulas
Escolha do professor
Arvid is such a great instructor ... where do I even begin? I think I'll start with his temperament. This guy is what I would call "even-keeled." For starters, he is always flexible and understanding when it comes to rescheduling. And he always shows up and on time for class, no matter what the weather. In fact, during today's session it sounded as if Mother Nature was crashing down all around him, but he was nothing but cool, calm, and collected. If you have technical difficulties he's very patient and doesn't get angry or exasperated about the situation and even offers solutions. And if he gave you homework and you didn't manage to do it, he doesn't get mad at you at all. Like a true professional, he has you do the homework with him right there helping you along the way. And isn't that what we all want from an iTalki tutor ... someone who helps you navigate the stormy seas of a foreign language? In fact, I think of Arvid as the captain of my voyage to language competency.
27 de jul de 2021
Aluno robert speirs
robert speirs
28 Alemão aulas
Arvid is a super teacher-highly recommended.
19 de jul de 2024
Aluno Philipp
1 Russo aula
The lesson was a really nice experience! We talked about a lot of different subjects and the atmosphere was very welcoming and relaxed. Arvid actively promotes speaking about many different things with him and encourages his students to speak freely. That is very helpful and feels like a natural way of learning a language. In short, it was a really good lesson and Arvid is a very helpful and friendly teacher!
13 de jul de 2024
Aluno Aaron Harvey
Aaron Harvey
1 Russo aula
I am thrilled with this teacher. He is friendly and takes my needs seriously. He was patient with my questions and gave me the best possible answers. I am looking forward to the next lesson with him.
13 de jul de 2024
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