Alemão professor Laura Hauser

Laura Hauser

Professor Profissional
German native speaker who loves to teach, get to know you and support you with your learning goals
De AlemanhaMora em Gold Coast-Tweed Heads, Austrália (13:43 UTC+10:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 18 de Sep de 2018
Tópico de interesseHistóriaAmbiente & NaturezaFilmesArteViagem
Hi I'm Laura:) My native tongue is German. I grew up in Frankfurt, Germany, but at the moment I live at the Gold Coast, Australia. Und wo kommst du her? I have experience in teaching for many years now. I started with giving lessons in normal classrooms but then in 2018, I moved on to online teaching. I am really excited about teaching in this way because I have the chance to get to know many interesting people all around the world! So I'm looking forward to meeting you and helping you improve your German language skills! I offer personalized lessons. I will adapt them to your needs, your level and language goals. Send me a message if you have any questions!:)

Alemão Aulas

Aula Experimental
26 aulas concluídas
USD 12.00+
Just talk
A1 -  C2


590 aulas concluídas
USD 24.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto
A1-A2 - Anfänger
A1 -  C2


582 aulas concluídas
USD 28.00+
Pacote com 7% de desconto
B1,B2 and up - Fortgeschrittene
B2 -  C2


262 aulas concluídas
USD 28.00+
Pacote com 7% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)
Minhas criações
Teste (4)

324 Revisões

Aluno Øivind
21 Alemão aulas
Escolha do professor
Ich möchte nicht den Teufel an die Wand malen, aber ich muss sagen, dass Deutsch eine schwierige Sprache ist. Ich schaffe es normalerweise, zu kommunizieren und zu quatschen und darüber bin ich sehr glücklich. Es macht echt viel Spaß:). Aber der Teufel steckt immer im Detail. Es ist so schwierig, ohne Fehler zu sprechen oder zu schreiben. Die Sprache ist voll mit kleinen Fallen: Satzstellungsfragen, trennbare Verben, wo man die richtigen Kombinationen von Präposition und Verb finden muss, Kasus, Geschlecht, und so weiter und weiter. Man muss sehr darauf achten, nicht in diese Fallen zu tappen. Am liebsten möchte ich meine Fehler zum Teufel jagen. Wenn ich meine wunderbare Lehrerin Laura nicht hätte, würde ich ganz sicher in Teufels Küche kommen. Sie hilft mir und motiviert mich, mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Oh, der Unterricht beginnt! Sie ruft an! Wenn man vom Teufel spricht… (Lektion zu Sprichwörtern mit dem Teufel)
8 de jan de 2023
Aluno Alisa
6 Alemão aulas
Escolha do professor
Laura is an excellent teacher - she is thorough with explanations and kind, making learning a breeze. Everything is customizable to your particular needs, interests, and learning style. Highly, highly recommend!
10 de dez de 2022
Aluno NICK IELTS Examiner
28 Alemão aulas
Escolha do professor
Having German lessons with Laura is a delight! She has an instinctively brilliant feel for German and can explain anything you need to know about the language in a trice. (Yip! Look that one up, everybody!) Her explanations of alternative uses of certain German expressions are both illuminating and enlightening! Herrvoragende Unterrichtsstunde!!!
10 de out de 2018
Aluno Michelle Darragh
Michelle Darragh
7 Alemão aulas
Laura is excellent, particularly if you have an interest in Art! She even makes grammar a more approachable topic! Highly recommended.
23 de mai de 2024
Aluno Emma Wonderly
Emma Wonderly
6 Alemão aulas
Laura is a great teacher! The hour flies by, and through our lessons, review of materials (which she keeps very organized), and tasks, I find myself having many "A-ha!" moments and better remembering things I have learned. She tailors lessons, materials, and homework (if applicable) based on student preferences. She is also very kind and is genuinely happy to learn about her students and to see our language skills improve over time. :)
21 de mai de 2024
Aluno Anna
14 Alemão aulas
Wie immer eine lehrreicher Unterricht
15 de mai de 2024
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