Espanhol professor Gabriel Z S

Gabriel Z S

Professor Profissional
Certified 2nd Language Teacher, teaching since 2015. I love helping others, and learning French too
De MéxicoMora em London, Reino Unido (03:14 UTC+01:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 27 de Mar de 2020
Tópico de interesseComidaFilmesArteMúsicaViagem
My name is Gabriel. I grew up in Mexico City, but in February of 2020 I moved to London. I got my BA with honours in International Relations in Mexico. Then, I lived in Wales in 2011 and 2012 when I got my Masters Degree by Research in Media Culture and Communication, and I also lived for 9 months in Chicago, Illinois, and Columbus, Ohio; so I am fluent in English and Spanish. I enjoy international experiences and diverse cultures, and I have also visited almost 30 countries, maybe even yours. I am improving my French, so I understand what it feels like to learn another language; and now I'm ready and happy to help you learn too.

Espanhol Aulas

Aula Experimental
443 aulas concluídas
USD 18.00+
Práctica: conversación para negocios
B2 -  C2


1,157 aulas concluídas
USD 26.00+
Pacote com 7% de desconto
A1 -  B2

Prática de Conversação

778 aulas concluídas
USD 24.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto
Comprensión de lectura/Reading comprehension
A1 -  C2


317 aulas concluídas
USD 24.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto
School tutoring/Asesoría escolar
A1 -  C2


204 aulas concluídas
USD 24.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto
General topics and vocabulary/Temas generales y vocabulario
A1 -  C2


4,434 aulas concluídas
USD 24.00+
Pacote com 8% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)

1,375 Revisões

Aluno Brad
141 Espanhol aulas
Escolha do professor
Tengo confianza en Gabriel por crear una lección fantástica y siempre la alcanza. Después de un año y media sigo a tomar clases con Gabriel. Tengo ganas de la próxima.
2 de jan de 2024
Aluno David Markowitz
David Markowitz
121 Espanhol aulas
Escolha do professor
Gabriel is a superb teacher, and his lessons are always wonderful. He is highly knowledgable, and his ability to converse in Spanish with an intermediate level student is unmatched. I look forward to many more lessons with Gabriel!
27 de nov de 2023
Aluno Luella Mason
Luella Mason
226 Espanhol aulas
Escolha do professor
Gabriel's personality and patience are above and beyond. He is willing to go with the flow if I want to discuss something. He always asks at the beginning of class if I have any questions or anything. He finds good resources to use and will patiently explain numerous times if necessary. I'm so glad I found him.
22 de dez de 2021
Aluno David Markowitz
David Markowitz
121 Espanhol aulas
Superb lesson. Gabriel is a true language scholar and has a tremendous understanding of grammar which he readily explains in an easy to understand fashion. He has a real ability to speak in a fashion that is natural and easy to understand. His lessons are superb
24 de jul de 2024
Aluno Alex Scholar
Alex Scholar
37 Espanhol aulas
21 de jul de 2024
Aluno Kenny Martin
Kenny Martin
1 Espanhol aula
Gabriel is patient, positive, and good at incorporating your suggestions into the lesson. Despite the audio being a little low, I was able to understand him even though he was speaking in the language I was trying to learn.
20 de jul de 2024
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