Português professor Marielle


Professor Profissional
Graduated English teacher with a specialization in teaching Portuguese as a foreign language.
De BrasilMora em Other, Brasil (03:22 UTC+01:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 1 de Mar de 2017
Tópico de interesseAnimaisEsportesLeitura
Oi, pessoal!! My name is Marielle. I’m a graduated English teacher with a specialization in teaching Portuguese as a foreign language. I have more than 10 years of teaching experience, 6 of these teaching Portuguese lessons, and I want to believe that I am getting better at it everyday 😂 . I love challenges and I challenge you to have a great journey exploring this beautiful language with me!

Português Aulas

Aula Experimental
305 aulas concluídas
USD 8.00+
Informal Tutoring
A1 -  C2

Prática de Conversação

707 aulas concluídas
USD 14.00+
Pacote com 1% de desconto
Learn Portuguese
A1 -  C2


3,517 aulas concluídas
USD 14.00+
Pacote com 1% de desconto
CELPE-Bras - Brazilian Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners
A1 -  C2

Preparação para Teste

272 aulas concluídas
USD 16.00+
Pacote com 1% de desconto
Português para alunos regulares ( before 2021)
A1 -  C2


555 aulas concluídas
USD 11.00+
Pacote com 1% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)

796 Revisões

Aluno Jérôme Dockès
Jérôme Dockès
67 Português aulas
Escolha do professor
Como sempre foi uma ótima aula com a Marielle. Estou estudando com ela uma hora por semana há 3 meses e tenho progredido bastante. Nossas últimas aulas foram sobre colocação pronominal e pronomes oblíquos átonos, o plural metafônico, acentuação, e regência verbal. Também sempre dedicamos uma parte da aula à conversação. Ela sempre prepara bastante as aulas com material adaptado ao que preciso aprender. Além disso a Marielle é muito simpática e as aulas são muito divertidas! A great lesson as usual with Marielle! She has been teaching me one hour a week for 3 months and I have made significant progress. Our last lessons focused on "colocação pronominal", "plural metafônico", and "regência verbal". We also dedicate part of each lesson to conversation. She always prepares thoroughly the lessons with material adapted to what I need to learn. Moreover, Marielle is very friendly and the lessons are always fun! Jérôme.
22 de mar de 2021
Aluno Sean Negus
Sean Negus
230 Português aulas
Escolha do professor
I have worked with Marielle for around 3-4 years now, having weekly hour-long meetings with her. She is by all accounts a great teacher. I would say that her strengths are in empathizing with students and making them feel at ease during the sensitive periods of gaining confidence in another language. Responsive to individual situation, sensitive to student feelings, friendly and always professional (without ever seeming impersonal), Marielle has demonstrated herself countless times as a dependable language teacher. As a professor, myself, I recognize other good educators. In addition to her kind demeanor and professional comportment, she has always been prepared for our lessons. In working with her I have been able to achieve advanced/intermediate proficiency in the language, and I hope to continue my work with her towards fluency and beyond.
22 de mar de 2021
Aluno alanna b.
alanna b.
76 Português aulas
Escolha do professor
Marielle has an amazing ability to make students feel comfortable. She can conduct conversations on a wide variety of topics, and as a result, class time flies so quickly that it's often hard to believe that an hour has passed. I love learning everyday-Portuguese conversation this way. I am already looking forward to my next lesson. Thank you, Marielle!
6 de set de 2018
Aluno SB.George13
4 Português aulas
Marielle is a wonderfully efficient & patient teacher. I was intimidated for the first few lessons because her style of teaching differs from what I’m used to, but it’s incredibly effective. She will speak in Portuguese often, asking me to translate phrases & words, and though my vocabulary is limited, she provides enough information & context in our conversations, that it exercises my brain’s flexibility. It enforces the habit of deliberate thinking, and helps retain what information I’ve learned. Marielle does provide homework, but she’s very thoughtful of my schedule so it never feels overwhelming, only a healthy balance. I am so grateful to be studying from Marielle and highly recommend her classes. She’s very considerate of individual needs & commitments outside of class, which takes away a lot of stress that can come from learning another language. Because of her, Portuguese feels like I’m learning a beautiful dance between syllables & sounds.
26 de jul de 2024
Aluno Alison Epstein
Alison Epstein
6 Português aulas
Marielle is always enthusiastic and supportive. She is thorough and meticulous - helping me with pronunciation!
20 de jul de 2024
Aluno Julie
9 Português aulas
Ótima aula como sempre. Obrigada pela sua enorme paciência.
17 de jul de 2024
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