Francês professor Meriem Z

Meriem Z

Tutor da Comunidade
De ArgéliaMora em Blida, Argélia (02:20 UTC+01:00)
Sobre mim
Professor da italki desde 28 de Nov de 2021
Tópico de interesseMúsicaAnimaisFilmes
Bonjour, je m'appelle Meriem j'ai 25ans, je suis tutrice de français et anglais depuis plus de 4 ans, j'ai un diplôme en parasitologie et un Master II en phytopharmacie et protection des végétaux. Je suis passionnée de littérature, de cinéma, de musique, de photographie et de dessin et de la culture japonaise. Ça me fera grand plaisir de savoir que je peux aider les autres a découvrir une langue étrangère et a l'aimer, hâte de vous rencontrer. Hello, my name is Meriem i am 25 years old, i've been a French and english tutor for more than 4 years now. I have a bachelor degree in parasitology and a master in phytomeasures and plant protection. . It’d be my pleasure to help learn a new language

Francês Aulas

Aula Experimental
149 aulas concluídas
USD 6.00+
General french lessons
A1 -  B2


425 aulas concluídas
USD 9.00+
Pacote com 11% de desconto
Let's speak French !
A1 -  C1

Prática de Conversação

591 aulas concluídas
USD 8.00+
Pacote com 12% de desconto


Com base no seu fuso horário (UTC+00:00)

68 Revisões

Aluno Lestari Chislett
Lestari Chislett
1 Francês aula
Je viens d'avoir ma première leçon avec Meriem et c'était très très bonne! 5 étoiles ⭐️ !
24 de jul de 2024
Aluno Catherine Heming
Catherine Heming
2 Francês aulas
Great session ! very helpful and I improved my vocabulary
22 de jul de 2024
Aluno Antonio Ramos
Antonio Ramos
2 Francês aulas
I had a good experience in my french class. The teacher was incredibly supportive and always available to help clarify any doubts I had. I learned new things, and the lesson was engaging. The teachers expertise made this class enjoyable and effective. I highly recommend this class to anyone looking to improve their French.
19 de jul de 2024
Aluno Kelsey Freitas
Kelsey Freitas
1 Francês aula
Meriem did a good job keeping the conversation going the whole lesson time and in French for 90% of it. I was really glad she did that because it pushed me to try and understand/speak as much as possible and get out of my comfort zone. The only thing we didn't get into at all was future lessons or goals for learning beyond her asking why I was learning French, but overall I felt it was a very productive lesson!
15 de jul de 2024
Aluno Kristina Zagoruiko
Kristina Zagoruiko
1 Francês aula
I loved Miriam! She was fun to talk to, and it felt very friendly and comfortable. She gave examples and asked me questions every time she could, and taught me a few more expressions and words in just one lesson! 100% recommend💗
1 de jul de 2024
Aluno Kaleb Pierce
Kaleb Pierce
18 Francês aulas
Always a pleasure talking with Meriem. The best teacher on Italki, no question.
28 de jun de 2024
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