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What makes a great online language community for learning? Please share your suggestions!
Have you already taken a quiz today? Did you know it’s one of the most popular learning tools on italki? You can find them now on our website, app homepage and the Discover page. Go and give one a try! We’ve also launched Quiz Sets, where you can challenge yourself by practicing 5 to 15 quizzes at a time. Additionally, you can set advanced filters to tailor the results to your personal learning needs. Quizzes are categorized into 7 different genres, choose a type which you’re most into. We've created a poll to see which areas people want to see improved. Thank you for your feedback!
What do you think we can do to improve the Quiz feature on italki? Tell us why and give your suggestions in the comments.
Offer more languages
Offer answer explanations
Favorite and share
Other (Leave your answer in the comments)
181 questionado
11 de maio de 2022
Have you ever thought about your current language level? An online language test is a useful tool to evaluate your learning progress, and it can provide you with a clear overview of your strengths and weaknesses. We’ve made a poll to collect your thoughts about purchasing a language test and want to see your suggestions in the comment section. italki provides the opportunity for you to test your language level. Check the link below to have a try. https://www.italki.com/languageassessment
In what cases and with what purpose are you willing to purchase a language test to evaluate your language skills? Tell us what you think by leaving a comment!
To prove my language success and get a certificate
To find where to improve
To prepare for a mock exam, interview, etc
Other (Leave your suggestions in the comments)
157 questionado
30 de março de 2022
Success Builds Confidence - Level Up Your Career! Episode 403. Elevating your communication skills in today’s globalized workplace isn’t merely a suggestion; it’s a necessity. If your goal is to be heard, to be noticed, and to truly excel, mastering effective communication is the pathway to take. In this episode, I’ll share practical examples of how to build your “small victory bank” by offering a fresh perspective on improving your communication skills. https://www.italki.com/en/post/Ff7EWYmx2jiK89ZuNJ6hxY The principles are straightforward, but the challenge often lies in consistent application – a challenge that leads to self-criticism (a topic we’ll also explore in this episode). Don’t delay! Let’s dive in and start building your confidence through your achievements. Remember, you already possess the potential for success! For personalized training with me, please check my calendar for available slots. To Your Success, Anatoly #job interview preparation #communication skills #confidence building #daily successes #corporate English #presentation preparation
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