Liu Jun
What does Mostly Cloudy mean? What does Mostly Cloudy mean in the weather forecast? Which below sentence is same as Mostly Cloudy? 1. Most of the time, the weather is cloudy. 2. There is a high chance that the weather is cloudy. 3. The weather is cloudy in most areas.
Oct 16, 2013 8:22 AM
Answers · 4
In American English, the weather is usually reported as "Clear", "Partly Cloudy", Mostly Cloudy". "Cloudy" with each one indicating that there are more clouds in the sky. This is mostly given so that we can determine the likelihood of rain/sunshine. Clear means no clouds, Partly Cloudy means some clouds, Mostly Cloudy means Many Clouds, and Cloudy means that there is little visible break in clouds through which one can see the sky.
October 16, 2013
"Mostly cloudy" just means that most of the sky is filled with clouds
October 16, 2013
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