What game is shown in 세븐틴 – 만세 MV? In seventeen mansae music video from about ~1:40 and further on you can see members playing a game with holding hands and then chasing each other. I am wondering what is it? And what the rules are? MV:
May 29, 2016 11:20 AM
Answers · 1
It is called "무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.” This game's rules are like "Red lights Green Lights" in America. 하는 방법은 술래가 등을 돌리고 "무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다" 를 외우는 동안 나머지 인물들은 술래에게 접근하고 술래는 해당 문장을 다 외우면 뒤를 돌아본다. 이때 움직임이 걸린 자는 술래에게 잡히게 되고 이 과정이 반복되어 술래에게 잡히지 않은 자가 마침내 술래를 건드리면 술래는 나머지 사람들을 쫓고 이 과정에서 가장 먼저 잡히는 자는 다음 턴에서 술래가 된다. 물론 술래가 한 명도 잡지 못하면 그 술래가 다시 술래가 된다. 1. A person starts out as the "Curator" and stands at the end of a field. Everyone else playing stands at the far end (distance depends upon playing area selected). The object of the game is for a "Statue" to tag the Curator, thereby becoming the Curator and resetting the game. 2. The Curator turns their back to the field, and the "Statues" attempt to race across and tag the Curator. 3. Whenever the Curator turns around, the Statues must freeze in position and hold that for as long as the Curator looks at them. The Curator can even walk around the Statues, examining them. However, the Curator needs to be careful – whenever his back is turned, Statues are free to move. 4. If a Statue is caught moving, they are sent back to the starting line to begin again (or thrown out of that round, whichever way is preferred.) Usually, the honesty of the Curator is not enforced, since being a Statue is more desirable.
May 29, 2016
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