Persian in the Arabic alphabet vs. Cyrillic alphabet I can read Persian in the Arabic alphabet, but I would like to be able to read it in the Cyrillic alphabet as well, such as they do in Tajikistan. Would someone be able to post a list with the equivalent letters? Thank you!
Sep 15, 2010 4:37 AM
Answers · 5
This is what you need: People, please do not answer the questions you haven't a clue about. There is actually no obligation to answer any question you see! Cyrillic alphabet is officially in use in Tajikistan.
September 23, 2010
It seems characters mixed in my answer, I put them here again : А а =( آ اَ) Б б = (ب) В в = (و) Г г =(گ) Д д = (د) Е е = (ی) Ё ё = (یو) Ж ж = (ژ) З з = (ز) И и =(ای) Й йُُ = (ىُ) К к = (ک) Л л = (ل) М м = (م) Н н = (ن) О о = ( ٱ ) П п = (پ) Р р = (ر) С с = (س ص ث) Т т = (ت ط) У у =( او) Ф ф = (ف) Х х = (خ) Ц ц = (تش) Ч ч = (چ) Ш ш = (ش) Щ щ = (شچ) Ы ы = (ای) Э э = ( اِ ) Ю ю = (یو) Я я = (یا)
September 21, 2010
Hey there ... Actually it's better to practice any language in their own alphabet, but as some languages are not Roman script type, so maybe some people prefer to Romanized alphabets then try to read or some prefer find phonetics in their native language. ... :) . Nowadays many Persian people which using internet, prefer using Persian words with English alphabets ;) we call it Pinglish... like this , "Salam! Hale shoma chetore? " But it barely seen anyone using Russian alphabet for write or read Persian worlds.! Anyhow as I, myself try to learn Korean (Hangul) and I could understand your problem, (hehehe!!) OK here are Russian equal to, Persian alphabet. Hope it could help you more :). Here is an example : My name is Stella (English) Esme man Stella ast (Pinglish) اسم من استلا است (Persian) Эсмэ ман Стэла аст (Percyrillic??!!:)) А а آ اَ С с س ص ث Б б ب Т т ت ط В в و У у او Г г گ Ф ф ف Д д د Х х خ Е е ی Ц ц تش Ё ё یو Ч ч چ Ж ж ژ Ш ш ش З з ز Щ щ شچ И и ای Ы ы ای Й йُُ ىُ Э э اِ К к ک Ю ю یو Л л ل Я я یا М м م Н н ن О о ٱ П п پ Р р ر Regards :) Nelly
September 21, 2010
Merely for practical purposes. I would like to be able to study in Tajikistan and I've found some stories online that are written in Cyrillic, so I would like to be able to read them in order to increase my knowledge of the language :)
September 16, 2010
Hi, Why would you like to read Persian in Cyrillic alphabet!? Persian without its own alphabet isn't beautiful.
September 15, 2010
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