"같이" 와 "함게" More questions about what I hear spoken. Please help me here. I hear both 같이 (which sounds like 같지) and 함게 used to mean together, but I don't think I hear them from the same people or in the same situations. It sounds to me as if 함게 is used in more polite situations, and 같이 is used in more casual situations. I also hear "하고 같이" but I don't remember hearing "하고 함게." Likewise, I remember hearing "와/과 함게" but I'm not sure if I remember hearing "와/과 같이." How can they be used with these conjunctions? I hear "같이 가자" all the time, but I don't remember ever hearing "함게 가자." Is there a difference in meaning or usage? or is "함게 가자" not used? Are there other differences between these two that I might not know about? One more note: I hear the 부산 dialect much more often than the 서울 accent and in fact it is easier for me to understand. If I am hearing a difference in dialect, I appreciate that tip as well.함께 ... not 함게.
2011년 2월 18일 오후 10:28
답변 · 11
함께 and 같이 are almost same... I use both, 함께 가자, 같이 가자., 너와 같이, 너와 함께... all of them are correct.. but.. 같이 has another meaning 'like' Do you know the movie 'Gone with the Wind' it was translated as 바람과 함께 사라지다, not 바람과 같이 사라지다.. because if you say it 바람과 같이 사라지다 then it means 'Gone like a Wind' so if there any chance of confusing, you'd better use 함께 more example he fell down under the cliff with a single scream 그는 외마디 비명과 함께 절벽아래로 떨어졌다.(O) 그는 외마디 비명과 같이 절멱아래로 떨어졌다. (he fell down under the cliff like a single scream _ doesn't make any sense)
2011년 2월 18일
I asked this question a few days ago.
2011년 2월 18일
Hi, Steve I'm born in Pusan. Nice to meet you. So, I know the dialect 경상도 사투리. YES, i think, most of 경상도 사람들 will say, 같이 than 함께. 같이 will be sounded [가치] by 경상도사람's tongue. well, I can agree that 함께 is sounded more polite, 같이 is sounded fondly. And, THEY ARE COMPLETELY THE SAME MEANING. And, all the way, you said, can be used. ALL ARE RIGHT. there is only one different is sounds. hope it may be help to you..
2011년 2월 19일
One difference between 같이 and 함께 is whether it can be combined with things that are not people/personified. We say “가방과 함께” (=with bag), but doesn’t say “가방과 같이” and it has meant “like bag” (=가방처럼) not “with bag”. For people/personified things, both 같이 and 함께 are accepted.
2011년 2월 20일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!