My daughter received a present at daycare center for me today. which is a duck with paint of soccer ball and a tiny card. The card says "Valentine. You really QUACK me up! Emmitt." I can't tell the meaning. Could anyone please tell me the meaning? And would you correct my broken English? Thanks.
12 Şub 2021 22:24
Düzeltmeler · 7
My daughter received a present from her daycare center for me today, which is a duck with a soccer ball and a tiny card. The card says "Valentine. You really QUACK me up! Emmitt." I can't tell what it means. Could someone please tell me the meaning? And would you correct my broken English? Thanks. I’m guessing the valentine card is a play on words and means “Valentine, you really crack me up,” which means “you make me laugh.” Because it’s a duck and ducks say “quack,” they just substituted “quack” for “crack” to be funny.
12 Şubat 2021
My daughter received a present at daycare center for me today. which is a duck with paint of soccer ball and a tiny card. The card says "Valentine. You really QUACK me up! Emmitt." I can't tell the meaning. Could anyone please tell me the meaning? And would you correct my broken English? Thanks. 'You crack me up' means you make me laugh so here they have replaced crack with quack, the sound a duck makes. It is a pun.
12 Şubat 2021
My daughter received a present at daycare center for me today. which is a duck with paint of soccer ball and a tiny card. The card says "Valentine. You really QUACK me up! Emmitt." I can't tell the meaning. Could anyone please tell me the meaning? And would you correct my broken English? Thanks.
It's a pun. The expression is "You CRACK me up," which means you make me laugh. CRACK is changed to QUACK because QUACK is the sound a duck makes. It's a silly way of saying, "you are funny." Though Valentine's is a 'romantic' holiday, preschoolers would just have cards that say nice or funny things, not romantic things.
13 Şubat 2021
My daughter received a present at daycare center for me today. which is a duck with paint of soccer ball and a tiny card. The card says "Valentine. You really QUACK me up! Emmitt." I can't tell the meaning. Could anyone please tell me the meaning? And would you correct my broken English? Thanks.
Sorry, I didn't read the earlier answer in full. It is not really related to Valentine's Day, other than maybe it is good if your boyfriend/girlfriend makes you laugh.
12 Şubat 2021
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