Ezzat Yaseen
The maternal instinct Could any love be more stronger than that?
3 May 2018 17:34
Yorumlar · 5

Some mothers kill their children. Some fathers too.

Yes, there is a love which is stronger than maternal instinct. Instinct is instinct. It is not love, per se. It is instinct, kindness, obligation, it is right.

A love that is stronger than an instinct, is a person loving another person, for no reason than love. They are not their child, not family, they have no obligation, they don't have to. Yet they do. Love is a choice, love is action.

A person who loves his/her neighbour as much as he loves himself, that is strong love. A man who loves  a woman who does not repay his love. A soldier who loves his country and is willing to die for his countrymen, loves much stronger than a parent who will not risk much for their children.

3 Mayıs 2018
I don't really think Phillip is qualified to talk about maternal instinct. :) The bonding with your children starts when you're pregnant and I can't even describe how strong my feelings were when my kids were born. It's unlike any other love I'd ever felt.
3 Mayıs 2018

Perhaps Phillip is not a woman. But one of his children were deliberately murdered in the womb.

Love and instinct are distinct. They have correlations, but they are not the same.

4 Mayıs 2018
Women should answer such a case
4 Mayıs 2018
Love means making sacrifices. When I see an animal trying to defend her children from  predators, it makes me feel stunned and speechless.
3 Mayıs 2018