How about policy around the world?

Last weekend we had Presidential elections here em Brazil. The current president was re-elected and the political party in power for twelve years will rule the country for another four.

Recently, some corruption schemes were discovered but people preferred to continue with the current government because the previous one (the opposition) caused much damage to the country. Brazil is not a bipartisan country, but the fact that there are only two main policy strands reduces our choices.

Anyway, I know there are places around the world where the political system is far less democratic. Curious as I am, it got me thinking ... how is the policy in your country?

(Forgive the typos, I'm just a young English learner)

28 Eki 2014 21:07
Yorumlar · 4

I may regard you as a very courageous and earnest citizen with so much passion over your soil, Brazil. I have to admit that all of my passion has been burned down. I guess I have no heart to do something exceptional to change the whole society. It seems to take too long to see a good promising future for my country.  In general, I have given up to join any political movement which can either bring my country better future or my people happiness . It makes me feel so vulnerable and helpless in face of my fellows who do not know how to change the current hardship by voting.


Thanks for your theme to push me to think back my past.

31 Ekim 2014

My country has also encountered similar conditions as yours, Brazil. I hope citizens can be sensible and smart to know how to choose a better government and kick out the other worse party comparatively. I am convinced there is no perfect party or government yet the sticking point should be people know how to let one step down to keep vitality for the community. But the truth at present is most people are human beings in the flesh who do not have enough courage or intelligence to change the deadlock to refresh the whole institution. Perhpas years later, my country would approve if the democracy can really run better than communist institution somehow. It remains to be proved for the future generations and I am nothing more than a civilian in the flesh. I am afraid of being unable to oversee future too much.

29 Ekim 2014

In the first stance, I attempt to be detached to comment on your country, Brazil. If there is any inappropriate comment or narrative here, please tell me more to convince me. As far as I know, Brazil is an emerging developing country which is located in the Latin America. Brazil nowadays has run across very similar problems as most developing countries which is supposed to be inflation, hype of real estate and the dire enlarging gap between the poorest and the richest. Global economics has pushed many developing countries confronting such a terrible problem which might not be settled without sensible electorate or smart government. Economic body is merging and incorporating day after day. What I can oversee is more and more civilians are squashed against the wall to take a sheer breath.  Please keep in mind in a "democratic" government, the president and his colleagues, ministers or main officers are all selected by the electorate either directly or indirectly. It alludes to the fact that all people who have the right to vote should take responsiblity to conduct the behaviour of all officials in a way which apparently includes corruption or perverse bribes.



29 Ekim 2014

I agree with you.

Voting is more than a right, it is a responsibility. But I confess I thought about quitting to vote. It's hard to have to choose between a government that does some damage now and one that did much damage in the past, even because the last one also started doing just "some damage" ... 

Anyway, I think you need to change the government from time to time. It helps to keep the politicians more interested in doing the best for the people who elect.

31 Ekim 2014