About me Hi, my name is Alba and I want to learn english to get a employee, because I'm unemployeed since last month. I study english at school for a lot of years, but I forget much vocabulary and grammar structures. Can you recomend me what is the best form to practise the conversation? Thanks for all!
28 Tem 2014 22:07
Düzeltmeler · 2

About me

Hi, my name is Alba and I want to learn english to get a employee, because I'm unemployeed since last month.
I study english at school for a lot of years, but I forget much vocabulary and grammar structures. Can you recomend me what is the best form to practise the conversation?
Thanks for all!


About me

Hi! My name is Alba and I want to learn English in order to get a job because I have been unemployed since last month.

I studied English at school for a lot of years but I have forgotten a lot of the vocabulary and grammar structures. Can you recommend the best way to practise having a conversation?



I hope this helps Alba. Good luck with getting a job. 

28 Temmuz 2014

About me

Hi, my name is Alba and I want to learn English to get an employment, because I'm unemployed since last month.
I studied English at school for a lot of years, but I forgot much vocabulary and grammar structures. Can you recommend me what is the best form to practise the conversation?
Thanks for everything!

<em>Practise conversation:</em>

<em>* Meet people, native speakers of English. Drink a cup of coffee with them and talk about anything. Don't be shy, attack native speakers!</em>

<em>* sing English songs and understand the text first</em>

28 Temmuz 2014
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