New school year is coming... New school year is coming...there are just a couple of days of vacation and in September the first I will have to come back to school. I had two months of vacation but it pass fast. This year summer was not like earlier. Weather has changed a lot and we did not have a lot of sunny days. It was raining often and it influenced on my mood. Besides it, I also have good memories from this vacation. My cousins visited me and we spent great time together. This summer I also learned Hiragana and finally I know it. I am happy because I will be back to school and I will see my friends. I think it is time to learn something new, it was a lot of time for rest. Fact that we will have a lot of tests soon does not make me happy but that is normal in school life. This year I will not have chemistry and Latin and it is wonderful for me because I used to dislike these subjects. Mathematic and physic will stay like subjects which I have to learn and I hate that but there are many others subject which I am glad to learn like history, serbian language and literature, english, italian... I expect this school year will be successful as the previous. However I will do my best and I expect good results. :))
24 Ağu 2014 10:47
Düzeltmeler · 3

A new school year is coming... there are just a couple of days of vacation left (or "there are just a couple of vacation days left" -- to avoid using "of" multiple times) and on September (the) first I will have to go back to school. I had two months of vacation but it passed (or "went by") fast. This summer was not like past Summers. The weather has changed a lot and we did not have a lot of sunny days. It was often raining and it influenced (or "affected") my mood. Otherwise, I have good memories from this vacation. My cousins visited me and we had a great time together. This Summer I also learned Hiragana and now I know it. I am happy because I will be back to school and I will see my friends. I think it is time to learn something new, it was a lot of time to rest. The fact that we will have a lot of tests soon does not make me happy but that is normal in school life.
This year I will not have chemistry and Latin and it is wonderful for me, because I've always disliked these subjects. Mathematics and physics will still be subjects which (or "that" or "") I have to learn, and I hate that, but there are many other subjects which I am glad to learn like history, Serbian language and literature, English, Italian...
I expect this school year will be as successful as the previous. However I will do my best and I expect good results. :))

Very good job! I just added a few articles, changed a verb tense or two, and capitalized names of seasons and languages (and nationalities). Please note that in spoken English, we usually use contractions.. not using them makes your writing look a bit more formal. In general, your language is more formal than that used by your U.S. counterparts, which some people would consider commendable. Keep up the good work, Kiki!


28 Ağustos 2014
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