Lesson 7 Catalan Covered conjugation of verbs including Gerund and Imperfect (used in descriptive narratives. e.g. anava a la plaja...;m'agradava fer classes de ball (I liked dancing)); als ex. of imperfect: On estaves? = Where were you? alternatively: On vas estar tu? Repeated: formation of past simple: anar (conjugated in present) + infinitive; past perfect: he anat; he caminant; New words: amb=with cuinar= to cook amanida=salad refradada/encsotipada= cold (catch a cold) ensengar= to teach donar una classa (llico)= to give a class de cop i volta= suddenly una costella= bone costellada (spanish version= barbaquoa)= bbq mantenir= to keep vendre= sell; comprar= buy el taquiller= cashier proper/siguent= next preu=price mes d'hora o mes tard= earlier or later Refreshed days of the week: dilluns= Mo dimarts= Tue dimecres=Wed dijous=Th devendres= Fr dissabte= Sat diumenge= Sun m'agrada molt= I like it a lot deixar=let's; Ex: dexa'm viure = let's see
15 Eyl 2014 01:07
Düzeltmeler · 2

Lesson 7 Catalan

Covered conjugation of verbs including Gerund and Imperfect (used in descriptive narratives. e.g. anava a la platja...;m'agradava fer classes de ball (I liked dancing));

als ex. of imperfect: On estaves? = Where were you?

alternatively: On vas estar tu?

formation of past simple: anar (conjugated in present) + infinitive;
past perfect: he anat; he caminant;

New words:
cuinar= to cook
refradada/encsotipada= cold (catch a cold)
ensenygar= to teach
donar una classea (llicóo)= to give a class
de cop i volta= suddenly
una costella= bone
costellada (spanish version= barbacoaquoa)= bbq
mantenir= to keep
vendre= sell; comprar= buy
el taquiller= cashier
proper/seiguent= next (següent)
mes d'hora o mes tard= earlier or later (tard o d'hora)

Refreshed days of the week:
dilluns= Mo
dimarts= Tue
dievendres= Fr divendres
dissabte= Sat
diumenge= Sun

m'agrada molt= I like it a lot
deixar=let's; Ex: deixa'm viure = let's see


Great job Natalia! Molt bé ;)

21 Eylül 2014
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