Many people Hi everybody, I didn't know so many people wanted to learn English. I want to learn Arabic because I have a friend and I want to communicate better. But, I admit, I feel like a idiot doing it. I'm learning my ABC's. One new friend on Italki gave me a great website to learn from while I was in the hospital. Thanks Omar. I would like to help everybody learn to speak English but that would be really hard to do. I cant skype or tango or viber everybody. I would never get off the phone to work. So Im trying this notebook method for now. I'm a realtor. I sell houses. I work a lot. In my office by 10am, out by 5pm, showing property anytime even on weekends. I make my own schedule. I love it. I have target practice on Monday nights, I have dance lessons on Thursday nights. I have 3 dogs. 2 kids. and a husband. Its harvest time here in Illinois. Its cool. About 70 degrees Fahrenheit. With this beautiful weather I drive around in my car, listen to my music loud, and enjoy the breezes! Winter freeze will be here too soon. So folks, its your turn- tell me about yourselves- I look forward to replies! Kathy
19 Eyl 2014 20:02
Düzeltmeler · 2
Hi Sagar- you FELT good to read... It was nice to hear from you
19 Eylül 2014
Hi,I fell good to read your notebook. I got some idea about you.If i you found any mistake in my comment please reply in this thread.
19 Eylül 2014
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