Ingrid Wong
About Tea During Yum Cha Many Hong Kong peoples love Yum Cha so much.They often go to eat dim sum once a week with their family. Meanwhile there is a several variety of tea can be offered during Yum Cha ,and there are among six kinds of Chinese tea which are commonly appear in Yum Cha, like Tieguanyin(鐵觀), Jasmine tea(香片),Shoumei tea(壽眉),Puer tea(普洱),Chrysanthemum Puer Tea (菊普茶),and Oolong tea (烏龍茶). However, do you know actually those kinds of tea has their own functions? In fact, apart from the function of satisfying our thirst when we are having a meal, drinking different tea also have lots of health benefits. For instance, having Puer tea can reduce heartburn after we have eaten too much and having Chrysanthemum tea can lighten the greasy feeling when you eat oily dim sum.Therefore,drinking tea can help you to neutralise the unbalanced diet during Yum Cha, and so that whether you have eating dim sum healthily will depends on your tea choices. Although I have talked about how tea can helps during Yum Cha, the fact that there is not all of us actually do really care about it. Recently, I discussed about the reason of our tea selection with my friends. Surprisingly, the results came out are savoury smell, family’s choice or its taste, but not because of the health benefits. Despite of this, we are good to know that we really enjoy drink tea by different reasons. Perhaps, I can have a try to choose other tea depends on its health advantages next time.
26 Nis 2015 17:14
Düzeltmeler · 4

About Tea During Yum Cha

Many Hong Kong people love Yum Cha so much.They often go to eat dim sum once a week with their family. Meanwhile there is a several variety of tea that can be offered during Yum Cha and there are among six kinds of Chinese tea which commonly appear in Yum Cha, like Tieguanyin(鐵觀), Jasmine tea(香片), Shoumei tea(壽眉), Puer tea(普洱), Chrysanthemum Puer Tea (菊普茶) and Oolong tea (烏龍茶).

However, do you know each of these kinds of tea has their own functions? In fact, apart from the function of satisfying our thirst when we are having a meal, drinking different kinds of tea also has lots of health benefits. For instance, having Puer tea can reduce heartburn after we have eaten too much and having Chrysanthemum tea can lighten the greasy feeling when you eat oily dim sum. Therefore, drinking tea can help you to neutralise the unbalanced diet during Yum Cha, so that whether you have eaten dim sum healthily will depend on your tea choices.

Although I have talked about how tea can help during Yum Cha, the fact is not all of us actually do really care about it.

Recently, I discussed the reason for our tea selection with my friends. Surprisingly, the results were savoury smell, family’s choice or the taste, but not because of the health benefits. Despite this, we are happy to know that we really enjoy drinking tea for different reasons. Perhaps, I can try other tea depending on its health advantages next time.

26 Nisan 2015

About Tea During Yum Cha

Many Hong Kong peoples love Yum Cha a lot.They often go to eat dim sum once a week with their family. Meanwhile there are different types of tea, which can be offered during Yum Cha ,and there are around six kinds of Chinese tea which are commonly appear in Yum Cha, like Tieguanyin(鐵觀), Jasmine tea(香片),Shoumei tea(壽眉),Puer tea(普洱),Chrysanthemum Puer Tea (菊普茶),and Oolong tea (烏龍茶).

However, did you know that actually those kinds of tea actually have their own functions? In fact, apart from the function of satisfying our thirst when we are having a meal, drinking different sorts of tea also has lots of health benefits. For instance, having Puer tea can reduce heartburn after we have eaten too much and having Chrysanthemum tea can lighten the greasy feeling when you eat oily dim sum.Therefore,drinking tea can help you to neutralise the unbalanced diet during Yum Cha, and so if you eat dim sum healthily, depends on your tea choices.

Although I have talked about how tea can helps during Yum Cha, fact is, that not many of us really do care about it

Recently, I discussed about the reason of our tea selection with my friends. Surprisingly, the results, which came out, were savoury smell, family’s choice or its taste, but not because of the health benefits. Despite that, it is good to know that we really enjoy drinking tea for different reasons. Perhaps, I can have a try to choose another type of tea depending on its health advantages next time.

26 Nisan 2015
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