First Time in China This time I want to write about my first trip to China. It will be the first time telling a story in Cantonese, so you will find a lot of things to correct. Also I'm not sure, if I have to use a special verb ending or whatever. Haha so we will see. 我九年八月第一次去中國。我同我嘅跳舞crew參加替換同香港跳舞crew。我好幸運我嗰餐時冇考試。 我,我嘅跳舞crew,一啲塗鴉人同一個舍監去中國。 我嘅搭直達飛機法蘭克福到香港。香港跳舞人等我嘅喺機場。我哋搭巴士同MTR去youth center。我住讀左一個星期嗰便/處同好多跳舞。 可時我哋行街,我學我嘅第一個廣東句。你通常先學“hello” or“ thank you",但係我學“I'm a handsome boy". 呢個係最重要句。點解?我下次會話你。 The first time I went to China was last August. I had the chance to go there, because my dance crew was invited for an exchange with a crew from HK. I was very lucky that I had no exams around that time. So me, my crew, some graffiti artists and a supervisor went to China. We took a non-stop flight from Frankfurt to Hong Kong. At the airport dancers from HK were waiting for us. We took the bus and MTR to a youth center (Youth Outreach in Sai Wan Ho). We lived in the youth center for 1 week and danced a lot. When we went out, I also learned my first words of cantonese. Usually you learn words like 'hello' or 'thank you', but my first words were "I'm a handsome guy". This probably is the most important sentence I ever learned. Why? I will tell you next time ;p Okay I decided to split the story in two parts or probably more. The trip was only two weeks, but a lot things happend. I always had a hard time to think of useful vocabulary. I think the notebook entries are a good way to find useful words. Last time I tried to write in Cantonese and give a English translation, but I only used sentences I already know. So this time I started with the english text and translated it to Cantonese.
18 May 2015 21:23
Düzeltmeler · 4

First Time in China

This time I want to write about my first trip to China. It will be the first time telling a story in Cantonese, so you will find a lot of things to correct. Also I'm not sure, if I have to use a special verb ending or whatever. Haha so we will see.

(所以)我嘅跳舞crew(舞团)一啲塗鴉人(几个涂鸦艺术者)一個舍監(监督人)(咗/it means you have been went there)中國。

我嘅搭直達飛機法蘭克福到香港(我哋喺法兰克福搭直打飞机到香港)香港跳舞人等我嘅喺機場(当我哋到达香港机场喺时候香港舞团嘅人已经喺機場等我哋了)。我哋搭巴士之后(it means“after”,after you took the bus,you took the subway)MTR(地铁)youth center(青年中心/少年宫?)我住讀左一個星期嗰便/處(我哋喺青年中心住咗一个星期)埋)好多跳舞(跳咗好多舞)

可時(当)我哋(出去/means"go out")行街(嘅时候),我學我嘅第一個(句/you said a sentence :)廣東句(话)。你通常先學“hello(妳好)or(或者)thank you(多谢)",但係我學“I'm a handsome boy(我喺靓仔)". 呢個(可能)我學过最重要。點解?我下次會話你

The first time I went to China was last August. I had the chance to go there, because my dance crew was invited for an exchange with a crew from HK. I was very lucky that I had no exams around that time. So me, my crew, some graffiti artists and a supervisor went to China.
We took a non-stop flight from Frankfurt to Hong Kong. At the airport dancers from HK were waiting for us. We took the bus and MTR to a youth center (Youth Outreach in Sai Wan Ho). We lived in the youth center for 1 week and danced a lot.
When we went out, I also learned my first words of cantonese. Usually you learn words like 'hello' or 'thank you', but my first words were "I'm a handsome guy". This probably is the most important sentence I ever learned. Why? I will tell you next time ;p

Okay I decided to split the story in two parts or probably more. The trip was only two weeks, but a lot things happend.

I always had a hard time to think of useful vocabulary. I think the notebook entries are a good way to find useful words. Last time I tried to write in Cantonese and give a English translation, but I only used sentences I already know. So this time I started with the english text and translated it to Cantonese.


I'm sorry I changed too much:P  I can't use my phone cause I'm on duty but I can use my computer:)I hope you can make progress~

19 Mayıs 2015
1.So me, my crew, some graffiti artists and a supervisor went to China. Is it better to put "me" in this sentence in the last place? like my crew, some graffiti artists, a supervisor and me 2.This probably is the most important sentence I (have) ever learned. 3.I always had a hard time to think of useful vocabulary. Is is better to use doing here? I always had a hard time thinking of useful vocabulary.
24 Mayıs 2015


我哋搭直達航班法蘭克福到香港。當到咗機場,香港舞團嘅人就已經係到等緊我哋啦。之後,我哋搭巴士同地鐵(MTR)去youth center。我住咗係嗰到一個禮拜仲跳咗好多舞添。

係我哋行街嘅時候,學識咗我嘅第一句廣東話。通常你哋都會先學“hello” 或者“ thank you",但係我學嘅係“I'm a handsome boy." 呢句好可能係我有史以來學過嘅之中最重要嘅句子。究竟點解?我下次話你知/聽

I actually personally think the word "dance crew" is sort of hard to translate directly in Cantonese, because "跳舞團體/舞團" might be too formal in spoken Cantonese. So, I would like to suggest you to use the English word "dance crew" instead of "跳舞團體".
And I have added some particles like"啦"“添” and conjunctions like "之後" to make the text more smoothly and fluently, hope you wouldn't mind.加油:)

20 Mayıs 2015
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