What is the meaning of 1) zwar 2) gleich 3) gerade in this example this is from an german language instructional video: (a lady in a video describes making coffee) So, nun muss ich erstmal ein Kaffeepad reintun... in die Kaffeemaschine. Seht ihr? Denn sonst, äh, glaube ich, schlafe ich gleich ein und darüber wird natürlich mein Arbeitgeber nicht gerade sehr angetan sein. So, und zwar muss in die Kaffeemaschine eine Tasse Wasser. Die reicht gerade für mich. Gleich and gerade are easier for me to guess. Mostly I have trouble with "zwar". Many Thanks! My guesses: gleich .... I'll fall asleep *right away* (*immediately*) gerade .... my employer won't be *particularly* very pleased zwar .... ?? gerade .... that's *just* enough for me (*exactly* enough)Thank you all for the great answers! :)
23 May 2010 12:23
Yanıtlar · 4
gleich = right away (yes) /next gerade = particularly (yes) zwar = in fact /indeed /namely gerade = just /exactly (yes) You use "zwar" to point out what's coming next or what's the exact way to do things: "Du musst ein Kaffeepad in die Maschine einlegen. Und zwar ein blaues." "Jetzt muss man ein Kaffeepad einlegen. Und zwar so (wie ich es jetzt mache)." There is another pattern: "zwar..., aber..." (but) "Ich habe zwar (ein bisschen) Wasser in der Kaffeemaschine, das ist aber nicht genug." "Er hat zwar gesagt, dass er kommt, aber er ist nicht gekommen." "Ich habe zwar nur eine Tasse Kaffee gemacht, aber das ist genug für mich."
23 Mayıs 2010
This is my try for a translation of the whole statement of this lady: "So now I really have to put in a coffee pad... in the coffee machine that is. Do you understand? If not, well, I think, I'm falling asleep right now and this will make my boss not all too happy. Well, and in the coffee machine [I] must put a cup of water. It's just enough for me."
25 Mayıs 2010
nicht gerade = not exactly zwar = thus Although it sounds old-fashioned to use "thus" in English, "zwar" is used quite a lot in German. Better get used to it!
23 Mayıs 2010
Your guesses for gleich and gerade are correct, in this context she's trying to say that she's going to fall asleep if she doesn't drink coffee..and his employer won't be pleased about it... OK now to the hardest part, the 'zwar' : In this context she's trying to say how she is going to make coffee.. So, und zwar..means that she is referring to her actions at the moment and trying to "get away" from the sentence 'darüber wird natürlich mein Arbeitgeber nicht gerade sehr angetan sein'. With this, she wants to get back to her explanation of making coffee. And the last "gerade" is correct, she's trying to say that it's exactly/just enough for her.
23 Mayıs 2010
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