İtalyanca öğretmeni Andrea


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Başlangıç: İtalyaYaşadığı yer: Other, İtalya (22:50 UTC+02:00)
8 Dec 2020 tarihinden bu yana italki öğretmeni
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I am a native Italian speaker living and working in Genoa (North West of Italy). I hold a Master in Economics, in Project Management and Supply Chain Management. I have extensive training and tutoring experience developed in many years working as a consultant for major international firms and project manager for European and African NGOs. At school I have been taught Italian grammar very well and I take pride in saying that I have what it takes to teach it to foreigners and also correct all the mistakes a foreigner might make. I master both English and French, so you can always use either one or the other to express yourself may the need be.

İtalyanca Ders

A1 -  C2

Konuşma Pratiği

346 ders tamamlandı
USD 8.00+
3% indirimli paket
Document review, interview simulation...
A1 -  C2


15 ders tamamlandı
USD 14.00+
Customized classes for beginners and perfectionists
A1 -  C2


26 ders tamamlandı
USD 10.00+

Uygunluk Durumu

Saat diliminize göre (UTC+00:00)

81 Geri bildirim

Öğrenci jessie
11İtalyanca ders
Öğretmenin seçimi
Andrea's lessons are always fun and engaging. He encourages me to speak and corrects my mistakes in a very supportive and patient way. He's also been amazing at accommodating my great disdain for grammar - no overwhelming lists of rules but rather "little grammar pills" whenever there's something important. Andrea is calm and competent, in less than a month he got me from knowing a few words to actually speaking and expressing myself. I genuinely enjoy our classes and I'm happy I chose Andrea as my first italian teacher. Grazie e grazie!
28 Ara 2023
Öğrenci Grashka
15İtalyanca ders
Öğretmenin seçimi
Andrea’s conversation lessons are great! He is a rare find I’ll tell you! (I’ve taken about 1000 lessons for different languages) It’s essentially an immersion lesson and he only uses English when is absolutely necessary. I love how flexible he is and how easily we can switch from one thing to another. I need to mention the never ending questions… Andrea offers an absolute essential for quick and efficient language learning.
1 Eki 2023
Öğrenci Lelde
15İtalyanca ders
Öğretmenin seçimi
I am having a lot of great conversations with Andrea and he is also helping me achieve a higher level of the Italian language. He is very easy to talk to and corrects the mistakes immediately after I make them and is not shy to correct me, which is something I always like. I fully recommend him for students that want to have great conversations with different opinions and to also level up you Italian knowledge! See you in our next class!
17 Ağu 2023
Öğrenci Carlos Alcolea
Carlos Alcolea
4İtalyanca ders
Andrea is an incredible teacher. I have done several classes with him and I am always looking forward to the next one. He is attentive and always has a way to mate the student learn new things. Absolutely recommended!
2 Haz 2024
Öğrenci Carlos Alcolea
Carlos Alcolea
4İtalyanca ders
Andrea is a great teacher! He's always encouraging his students tu improve and he knows how to approach any doubt or question we may have. I am absolutely looking forward to keeping learning from him.
26 May 2024
Öğrenci Aoi Yoshida
Aoi Yoshida
7İtalyanca ders
amazing lesson!
25 May 2024
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