¡La p%&a ortografía inglesa! Prueba el cuestionario abajo sobre el sonido de dos palabras que se escriben iguales. https://www.italki.com/en/quiz/quiz/324636 Luego escucha el podcast abajo (en inglés) sobre las formas diferentes de pronunciar las letras "OU". (PD: La PROBLEMÁTICA ortografía inglesa... claro...)
How do yOU pronOUnce the letters "OU"?
29 de may. de 2024 19:24
In today's podcast I talk about one of the weirdest things about British culture ... the way we enjoy our visits to cemeteries. Cemeteries, otherwise known as graveyards, are places where you can find British people relaxing with a cup of tea, perhaps, uh, a bottle of Coca-Cola or with a sandwich. It's a little bit strange. Now, I've lived in many countries across the world, and I have to say that only in Britain are we completely detached from the feelings associated with tombs, graves and dead people. If you go to a restaurant in the UK, particularly a cafe, you may even find that it was once a church. There are churches around which close, and then they're sold to restaurant owners, or they become pubs, and you find yourself walking across these tombs without even thinking about it. To avoid any difficulties or problems with this. Some restaurants and pubs will lay carpets on the floor so that you won't actually see the names of those who've died. Not to worry though, because these people who've died, usually they've died hundreds of years ago. It's not like they died last week. I'm not sure if that makes it worse or makes it better.
British People and Cemeteries (with transcript)
29 de may. de 2024 7:10
A deep mental issue that might sabotage your success in a job interview or IELTS speaking test. First and foremost, have you had issues with expressing your thoughts in English where you can't seem to choose the right word? Or choose an appropriate phrase. Whether in a job interview or an IELTS speaking test,? An answer may lie in the field of psychology. There is a term'for'sabotaging your success'. Self-sabotage occurs when we destroy ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, or deliberately to hinder our own success and wellbeing by undermining personal goals and values (Brenner, 2019). It is “insidious, profound, and universal” and emanates from negative mindsets (Berg, 2015). I hope it's not too technical; I wanted to share a certain perspective on the topic from a researcher's perspective. Self-sabotage is rooted in counterproductive mindsets, including negativity, disorganization, indecisiveness, and negative self-talk. In today's podcast, my goal was to illustrate through my student's story how you can fail without noticing any reasons, and my deeper goal is to help you succeed. That's why you'll find a special bonus in the recording that can potentially help you, as it did for my student only after 15 minutes of our initial call. Listen to the recording; there is great value in it for you. As always, we are bettering and bettering every day and in every way. Anatoly
A deep mental issue that might sabotage your success in a job interview or IELTS speaking test.
27 de may. de 2024 15:37
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