Yusuf Arslan
Hi. Do native English speakers ever say that a speech or text is 'all Greek' when it's hard to understand? Do you use it? Would it sound strange if an English learner 'with an accent' use it as well? : )
16 de may. de 2024 9:26
Respuestas · 14
"it's all greek to me" - is what some Brits like me say
16 de may. de 2024 12:11
I never use it and I would say I almost never hear it. It’s a famous idiom which even appears in Shakespeare - the idea being that Greek, having once been a well-known studied classical language, stopped being so at some time. To me it sounds dated and in somewhat poor taste - joking that something is so foreign that no one should be expected to know it. I think I’d be more likely to hear Chinese used as the example language to illustrate that point e.g. ‘I didn’t understand a word of that speech - it was so complicated. He may as well have been speaking Chinese.’ But that would be illogical where I live as there are many Chinese speakers here. As far as ‘double Dutch’ that makes me think first and foremost of a jump rope game but its linguistic meaning is slightly different - it refers to the idea that the communication was garbled or substandard, whereas someone saying ‘It’s all Greek to me’ is really talking about his own lack of knowledge of the subject. Your instinct that idioms often don’t work as expected when the speaker is obviously non-fluent is a good one in general.
16 de may. de 2024 15:37
I say that if I can't understand it, or ’it might as well be Greek’. Something is written or spoken in English but it's incomprehensible. It would be all right for a learner with an accent to say that to you it sounds or looks like Greek.
16 de may. de 2024 10:46
"Greek to me" is common on this side of the pond. It would only sound strange if a Greek person said it. Actually, it would be hilarious.
16 de may. de 2024 20:05
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16 de may. de 2024 18:25
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