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Which part are you worried about? I met a student from China who came to prepare for IELTS speaking, and while reading his goal, I picked certain areas from his answer that he wasn't even aware of.  This was the goal: (I will hide the name, just to illustrate some of my student's goals), so here were his goals: "My goal is to break through 5.5 in IELTS speaking. I often don't know what to say when communicating, especially during exams, and the answers are a little incoherent and overly nervous." These were the issues I identified a) Not knowing what to say (being stuck). b) During exam fear (most people have 'exams-fear'. c) Doubting about the answers (whether its correct). d) Fear, anxiety when communicating. What about you, do you have some of these concerns? If you said yes - I know how you feel and that's exactly what I am addressing in all of my IELTS speaking classes because the issues are similar in most cases. Please listen to the podcast and pick what will resonate with you, and join my 1-on-1 VIP classes for your outrageous success in communication improvement whether for IELTS speaking, job interview preparation or business English. See you in my classes.
Which part are you worried about?
час назад
Video Podcast~♬ Japanese Podcast for Beginners|| オーロラ✨を まって | VERY VERY EASY Native JAPANESE! オーロラの ニュースを みました。わたしも オーロラが みたくて、それで、よぞらを みながら、オーロラを まちました。 Q.みなさんの ところでは オーロラ✨が みられましたか。 📖きょうの おはなし 「オーロラを まって」 (1)00:00 オープニング (2)00:24 ゆうやけ (3)00:56 21じ40ごろ (4)01:15 22じごろ (5)01:36 よなか (6)02:33 ネコの ゲンブガンちゃん 🦔🍎 ちょっと むずかしい ことば・ぶん 🍅🦔 It is useful to copy and paste words you don't understand into the translation‼Microsoft Translator / Google Translator: You can also check the reading of kanji‼‼ 1))オープニング 00:00 ・夜 ・空 ・夜空 ・オーロラ(aurora) ・待つ 【grammar check!】①かもしれない ②そうだ〈I hear〉 2))ゆうやけ 00:24 ・向こう(向こうにV) ・赤い ・光 ・夕焼け ・真っ暗 ・暗い ・早い 【grammar check!】 ①そうだ〈I hear〉 ②く/に なる ③てから 3))21じ40ごろ 00:56 ・さっき ・明るい 【grammar check!】 ①より ②なければいけない 4))22じごろ 01:15 ・大体 ・やっと 【grammar check!】 ①になる ②reasonて、emotion ③てしまう ④ので ⑤ことにする 5))よなか 01:36 ・夜中 ・目が覚める ・戻る ・カメラ ・SがOを動かす ・Sが動く ・変な ・窓 ・網戸(screen window? window screen?) 【grammar check!】 ①てくる ②てみる ③Aと、B 〈When A, B will always happen〉 6))ネコのゲンブガンちゃん 02:33 ・時計 【grammar check!】 ①ことにする ②"what you did"と、"Something you noticed" ③reasonて、emotion ④Plain form の 〈noun phrase〉
オーロラを まって
あなたは オーロラを みましたか
いえの なかで ねていました。しりませんでした。
Ответов: 1
7 часов назад
Do you tell the truth or lie in the IELTS test? What if you are stuck when expressing yourself, when you lack of ideas, what do you do??? What if you don't have any content to share the moment you are asked a question on an IELTS test? How do you feel about 'telling a lie' when this is the only solution on a test? I found my Chinese students have a moral issue when I help them overcome 'being stuck' when speaking a question. It's vital to be honest and tell the truth. We all know this, but the IELTS speaking test goal is slightly different. Listen to the podcast and find out how you can overcome 'lack of ideas' when expressing yourself or when you can't tell stories. You can simply imagine them. You'll have more clarity on the recording. Enjoy it and join my classes to prepare for your next IELTS speaking test, job interview preparation, or to prepare your business English and communication skills. See you in my classes now.
Do you tell a truth or lie in the IELTS test?
16 мая 2024 г., 10:12
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