I'm learning english because I want to travel to other countries and see their culture , personally I would like to visit korea for that reason I want to improve my english, studing and learning each day new words.
١٣ فبراير ٢٠٢١ ٠٠:٣٠
التصحيحات · 2
I'm learning English because I want to travel to other countries and see their cultures. I would like to visit Korea and for that reason I want to improve my English, studing and learning new words every day.
“Personally” isn’t wrong, but it adds no meaning and it sounds odd as it’s already clear you’re talking about your personal view and you’re not really contrasting it with other people’s views. Otherwise it looks fine 🙂. Maybe you should learn some Korean too!
١٣ فبراير ٢٠٢١
هل تريد التطور بشكل أسرع؟
انضم لمجتمع التعلّم هذا وجرّب التمرينات المجانية!