فئة الدرس
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اعثر على أفضل معلم الفرنسية لك.

اعثر على أفضل مدرّس الفرنسية لك عبر الإنترنت: اختر من معلميك ذوي الخبرة عبر الإنترنت للغة الفرنسية واحصل على أفضل تجربة تعلّم.

تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Sarah G..

Sarah G.

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

✨ Develop your French efficiently with the magic of spaced repetition! 🎯 👉 I have taught conversational French for over a year to students of all levels and backgrounds. This experience has honed my teaching techniques and my ability to adapt to each student's specific needs. 👩‍🏫 After training with experienced teachers, I discovered the spaced repetition method, which I now integrate into my lessons. Unlike other approaches, I focus on mastering what has already been learned before introducing new concepts. I firmly believe that repeating scenarios helps students gain confidence and speak more fluently. 🔄️ Today, I find joy in watching my students overcome their challenges and improve their French, guiding them on this exciting linguistic journey.

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 16:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Wilfrid Pépé.

Wilfrid Pépé

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

I am an understanding teacher, the experiece I hav had in teaching allows me to understand the poblem you May have in learning this langage, trust me and you will easily learn rench. je suis un enseignant comprènensif, l'expérience que j'ai dans Tenseignement me permet de comprendre le problème que vous pouvez avoir dans l'apprentissage de cette langue, faites-moi confiance et vous apprendrez facilement le français LP

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم ⭐Karole.


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Certified general French teacher for beginners 🎯 (A0-A2) + training for DELF A1-A2 and TCF exams🎓 🍷Graduated as a French teacher and TEF examiner. 🗼8 years experience with students from EVERYWHERE🌍 🎨Speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese... and French of course!!😁 👑Specialises in teaching adult beginners (A0/A1) and intermediates (A2) and training for DELF (A1 and A2) and TCF exams. 🧀Courses are interactive, dynamic and friendly 🏰 Passionate about passing on my knowledge of French 🥐Improving self-confidence 💪

USD 15.00/الساعة
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Steven.

2,004 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeur de français et de FLE depuis 17 ans J'accompagne des apprenants de tous les niveaux depuis pratiquement 14 ans et j'assure des formations préparant aux épreuves du Brevet, du Baccalauréat français mais aussi aux différentes certifications de la CCI-Paris Ile-de-France (TEF Canada, TEFAQ...) et celles de France Education International - CIEP (DELF, DALF, TCF Canada, TCF DAP...)

USD 14.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم EBENEZER.

6 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeur certifié de français (FLE) en ligne avec 4 ans d’expérience J'enseigne le français depuis 3 ans dans un établissement local ainsi qu’en ligne et je poursuis mes études en lettres modernes et en économie et finance donc je connais les difficultés d'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère, en particulier le français.En plus je suis très à l’aise avec l’outil informatique.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 16:00 اليوم

6 معلمين للدروس الفورية

لدينا معلمين جاهزين لإعطائك درسًا مباشرة! اعثر على معلّم وابدأ التعلّم.

Akubue Stephani...

78 دروس

SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
النيجيرية المبسطة
ناطق أصلي
Experienced and Passionate French Teacher
تجريبيUSD 5.00
Abdoul ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️...

2,877 دروس

SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
⭐️unlock your linguistic potential : Become a polyglot in no time!⭐️🇨🇲🇨🇦🇺🇸🇫🇷
تجريبيUSD 5.00
BibleIELTSkids ...
مُعلم محترف

6,080 دروس

SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
Oxford-trained university teacher: Bible, IELTS, Kids, Business, Programming, Role-Play
تجريبيUSD 15.00
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Pedro.

68 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

TEFAQ C2 Dedicated teacher and student, always willing to learn to teach. I talk about any subject and I believe that the best method of learning is conversation, practice makes perfect. Professor e aluno dedicado, sempre disposto a aprender em ensinar. Falo sobre qualquer assunto e acredito que o melhor metodo de aprendizagem é a conversação, a prática leva a perfeição

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 16:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Julian.

6,690 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

My students told me I am very positive, funny and relaxing during the classes. I always teach with a smile and with positivity. My experience also helps me quickly locate the areas where students have weaknesses so I can find the best and quickest way to approach them.

USD 9.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Safae.

1,448 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
العربية (اللهجة المغربية)
ناطق أصلي

✨ Structured program to achieve your personnal goal ! ✨ Hello 👋 there! Nice to meet you ! 😊 I'm Safae,your personal teacher to guide through your language journey ! I have 4 years of experience teaching over 100 students. Some of my students who were beginner and couldn't speak much but after taking my lessons, they were confident enough to travel and speak with the locals and have fun! I create a structered plan for each level ( for beginners, intermediate and advanced) to help you achieve your goal in a defined time. If you are ready to start your journey, you came to the right place ! 🙌

USD 10.00/تجريبي
متاح 04:30 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Patricia.

11.4k دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Certified IELTS(English)/DALF,DELF,TCF,TEF(French) professor with 15 years of teaching experience When one makes a decision about the work he will do in life, it is important that the decision be based on criteria that reflect his personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills. My choice of teaching as a career was not made lightly; rather, it was the culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life and my education. I have chosen education as a career because I believe that education is perhaps the most important function performed in our culture, or for that matter, any culture. I wanted to be part of this noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers found inspiration.

USD 12.00/تجريبي
متاح 02:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Frederic.

3,618 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Avec l'expérience, j'ai pu mettre en place une méthode d'apprentissage très efficace, articulée autour de cours et de discussions, qui permet de réaliser des progrès extrêmement rapides en français. --- With experience, I was able to implement a very effective learning method, structured around lessons and discussions, which allows for extremely rapid progress in French.

USD 23.00/تجريبي
متاح 23:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم TEF from PARIS.

2,231 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Specialist in ORAL SKILLS. I’m TEF from Paris, Over the past 15 years, I've been traveling the world and I came to realize that … * When we come to a new country we don’t share moments with locals. * Even if you can speak the language, something doesn’t match ! * Most of the people struggle to learn all the rules and grammar, so they don’t enjoy speaking languages. Ask yourself WHAT MEANS LEARNING LANGUAGES ? Is it about being a linguist or opening yourself to a new culture ? ⭐⭐⭐ FORGET ABOUT THE RULES, FOCUS ON CONVERSATION AND YOU WILL ENJOY SPEAKING FRENCH ⭐⭐⭐

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 22:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Alan.

2,385 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Native French Teacher & PhD candidate with 8 years of experience - Hablo español - говорю по-русски I have been teaching French (as well as English and Arabic) for the last 10 years. Right now I teach French at a high school in New York City, and I also give Arabic lessons and English lessons to non-English speakers. I have taught these languages in England, Switzerland, and Tunisia, and I had students of all ages and all levels. I use interactive, fun, and yet productive methods that I have developed myself, and I focus on conversation and self-expression. With me you will not only learn the language, but also be equipped with the right tips and practices to make your language learning experience as enjoyable and as productive as possible. Keep learning and I hope to see you soon!

USD 25.00/تجريبي
متاح 19:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Ilias Brahim.

5,190 دروس

Ilias Brahim

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
العربية (اللهجة المغربية)
ناطق أصلي
العربية (الفصحى الحديثة)
ناطق أصلي

Professor dedicated to realizing your dreams. Let's reach your goals. Available 24/7. I possess extensive language teaching experience spanning public education, private sector, and language certifications. I cater to learners of all ages, ensuring each achieves their goals. Dynamic and flexible, I'm passionate about science, technology, travel, and sharing experiences.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 07:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Gwendal.

38 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeur biologiste Français toujours de bonne humeur/French biology teacher always in a good mood Je suis quelqu'un de très patient et à l'écoute ! Chaque personne est unique et donc je m'adapterai à toute situation ! Nous parlerons de plein de sujets différents en français ! Je vous ferais également des leçons toujours avec la bonne humeur ! I'm a very patient and good listener! Each person is unique, so I'll adapt to any situation! We'll talk about lots of different subjects in French! I'll also give you lessons, always in a good mood! ¡Soy muy paciente y buena oyente! Cada persona es única, así que me adaptaré a cualquier situación. ¡Hablaremos de muchos temas diferentes en francés! También te daré clases, ¡siempre de buen humor!

USD 5.50/تجريبي
متاح 22:15 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Luc.

5,124 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Certified and professional teacher since 1999. Worked in languages & Business schools, Universities. As a teacher, when a student speaks, I could summarize my approach as both friendly and firm listening. Friendly because I listen attentively, empathetically, and respectfully (I don't cut them off, I note errors or other appropriate wording in the chat). At the same time, I analyze all the mistakes I hear, whatever their nature, in order to ask for clarifications, correct them, and then propose an alternative. For students who want to improve their writing skills, I aim to bring out the unique writing style of each student by focusing on vocabulary, syntax, verb tense and mood, sentence structure, and grammar while providing timely input on approach and articulation.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Nelly GRANGER.

42 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

English Teacher who can speak French and Korean. Learning from and exchanging with others is my biggest interest in life and I believe that teaching is one of the best ways to do it. As a teacher, my main approach is to adapt to the needs/ wants of the student regarding his/her level but also his/her interests. To me, the most effective way to learn a language is by learning it through our passions , whether it is music, art, culture, etc. But I also think that it is important to learn about the culture surrounding the language we're learning.

USD 18.00/الساعة
متاح 03:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Carolina Ojeda.

535 دروس

Carolina Ojeda

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Native Spanish speaker, French Advanced C2. Master’s degree in Spanish and Certified French Teacher. I love learning languages. I am patient, dynamic, funny, very serious about my work and responsible. I have worked with many different students from all over the world and of many different ages for 10 years. - I use Kahoot, Learningapps, Genially, Canva - I use e-books, podcasts, audios, videos, articles, workbooks, etc.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 16:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Hélène.

20 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

I have a gift for making concepts and rules understandable. I am a grammar enthusiast! I love grammar, not as a set of rules, but as the underlying structure of a language. I am friendly and extremely patient: I will explain things in various ways until it clicks. I am dedicated. If I can't seem to make something clear, I will always look for a better way and do further research. I am adaptive. I can change course during a lesson, depending on the student's wishes.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Géraldine.

2,441 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

EXAMINATRICE - CORRECTRICE DELF et DALF As I have recently started learning Japonese, I totally understand the frustrations, challenges, confusions and the joy that comes from learning a new language. En tant que professeur des écoles en France et à l'étranger et en tant que professeur de Français Langue Etrangère, j'ai été confrontée à un très grand nombres d'apprenants du français et je suis donc sensibilisée aux singularités et difficultés d'apprentissage.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 15:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Kenzo.

1,641 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

J'ai déjà enseigné dans une école de langue au Japon donc je connais les difficultés que vous pouvez rencontrer et je peux vous aider à apprendre efficacement tout en s'amusant. Je suis très patient, je peux répéter le même mot ou une phrase rapidement ou lentement pour que vous compreniez le sens des phrases que nous apprenons. Je focalise mes leçons sur la conversation, mais nous pourrons définir ensemble des objectifs pour que vous puissiez rapidement parler français!

USD 9.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:00 اليوم
سوف يتم إجراء دفعتك المالية الأخيرة بالدولار الأمريكي