Hello guys! I would love to find a partner to practice my English. Is there someone interested in Portuguese? We could exchange languages. :D
٢٠ مايو ٢٠٢١ ٢٠:٤٣
التعليقات · 2
Hi!😊 I am native Turkish speaker, working in a global company and finished 2 global business schools in English. My daily and business english are nearly advanced. I believe that practice in english would help us both, so I will be appreciate if you send me a message and we will be able to practive via s k y p e or w e c h a t✌🏻Please contact with me if you are at the upper intermediate level or higher from that. I would like to have a chat routinely and challenge ourselves.
٢١ مايو ٢٠٢١
Hi Karinne I’m looking for an English partner to practice with Would you like to practice together?
٢٠ مايو ٢٠٢١