how to speak english 我想问漂亮英语口语和自身的词汇量有关吗?I want to ask a beautiful vocabulary related to oral English and their own
١٦ مارس ٢٠١٧ ٠٤:١٦
التعليقات · 2
If you want to find out english, at the same time speaking fluently, absolutely you need to focus on conversation each other by foreign friend.. İt is quite influence method.. Apart from thet method you need to use the other program on the inthernet.. [emoji][emoji][emoji][emoji]
١٦ مارس ٢٠١٧

Not really. 流利英语的基础是有一定词汇,但能说明白和漂亮或正确的口语,你练习一些地道讲法和发音的就可以做到了。

你的英语句子有问题,问下native 怎么自然的常用的说法吧。good luck

١٦ مارس ٢٠١٧