T Mark
Why Online learning is better than costly schools and universities.

A traditional course in a formal
training institution will give you
exactly that result. You will learn
about the ideas and processes you
are told to.
What about if you want to learn
things outside of what you are
being told you should learn?
You could do it in your native
language or you could become an
International citizen and learn it
using the International language
of English.
One benefit of the world wide web is that it allows us to expand our knowledge. We can break free
from the normal ideas and learn to question. Many things we hear and see, in the news, often does
not make sense. I, for one, do not understand why Donald Trump is being nominated for a Nobel
peace prize when the two Korea’s (North and South Korea) have chosen to ignore western powers
and form a peace on their own. By thinking differently and acting with courage as well as
confidence the Korean peninsula could become Nuclear free.
I believe online teaching can do the same . If we act differently and confidently we can create a new
understanding of cultures through this fantastic new technology.
I hope that online teaching can give all of us this new and interesting way of expanding our attitudes
of others cultures while also explaining our own culture to others.
IELTS is a great test that helps us to do this. It gives the student a chance to create. To express
opinions and learn new ideas about the English speaking cultures you may want to visit or live in in
the future.
I would like to help people with IELTS and at the same time allow them to create using their
speaking and writing skills. To improve knowledge through reading and listening.
I hope you will join me in my quest to create a world where cultures exist side by side due to
improved knowledge of each other. At the moment the news is trying to keep us scared and afraid of
each other. So sad .
٣٠ مايو ٢٠١٨ ٠٤:٣١