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Learning Article : The Glory Of French Beaches Part 1: The Atlantic Coast

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<a href='/article/167/the-glory-of-french-beaches-part-1' target='_blank'>The Glory Of French Beaches Part 1: The Atlantic Coast</a>

From fishing to commerce and conquest, from tourism to artistic inspiration, France has always benefited from this overture to the seas. I know many welcoming places along the coast where I have often enjoyed my summers. Let me introduce you to the best of them!

١٠ يونيو ٢٠١٤ ٠٠:٠٠
التعليقات · 2

I found this quite interesting because I don't normally associate beaches with France (even le Cote d'Azur doesn't come to mind readily!).  In Australia, where I live, French people love the beach and they generally live around coastal areas.  I'd love to visit a beach in France one day; I particularly appreciate what you said about "no sharks".  There are so many in the waters around here!  Quite reluctant to enter the waters, as you might imagine!

١١ يونيو ٢٠١٤

you write with a "joie de vivre" flair that makes me want to visit france :)


١٢ يونيو ٢٠١٤