social facilitation is an adaptive condition social facilitation is an adaptive condition could you please shed me some light on this statement, I can get every word of it, but much less the idea. Thanks.
٢٥ يوليو ٢٠١٤ ٠٦:٢٦
التعليقات · 4

I try to rephrase the sentence for you in my way. You may refer to the below sentence.


"The process of that people want to interact with the socisty is a course of adaptation."

May I say that?


٢٨ يوليو ٢٠١٤

the ability of a person to interact with other people in a productive way that recognizes socially normative behavior

Hi bruce. what does this mean exactly?

I dont get recognize?

٢٨ يوليو ٢٠١٤

What I can tell you is that when you read phrases like this, and you feel entirely confused(as we all do sometimes) you may reasonably conclude that the author is themselves a confused person, using language in a way that confuses and "befuddles". If the material is something you have to read for school assignments, you can read other material on the same subject to get a broader perspective. Just keep this in mind. Sometimes, when you read confusing material, it can mean that it is simply a bunch of verbiage that is meaningless, and intended to confuse you.

At the same time, if you can understand Why the verbiage is confusing, you can be lead into some understanding of a real truth. In regards to this, you will find that some books are written in a manner that is "straightforward". Others however, will leave you puzzled over what you are actually reading, even after you have read it and re-read it. This is a serious issue with much modern writing.

Never has it been truer that we live in an age where the "blind---lead---the---blind".

As a child, I was taught a good piece of Wisdom. To wit; "Don't believe everything you hear, and only half of what you see."

٢٥ يوليو ٢٠١٤

"social facilitation is an adaptive condition"

It is not entirely possible to answer this with just a scant phrase to work with.

First, it reads like a commonly used "Psycho-Babble" which means Psychological Language, produced as mere "Blah-Blah" verbiage that is commonly found in modern academic writing.

Second, it could be part of a reasonable exposition. The term, SOCIAL FACILITATION could refer to the ability of a person to interact with other people in a productive way that recognizes socially normative behavior. The term ADAPTIVE CONDITION could refer to the fact that not all people are born with a comfortable ability to interact with others. There can be people who are emotionally withdrawn, and who maintain a "hidden" personality. There can also be emotionally aggressive persons who try to dominate and use others in an inappropriate way. Either type of person would serve for an example of a person who has not ADAPTED to people or "society".

Third, in plain English, it means that SOME---THINGS---MUST---BE---LEARNED.

I can give you that for a clear and specific answer, to clear up any confusion about it.

Still, the answer to your question remains uncertain, unless other information is provided.

It may be that the author is writing about something factual.

٢٥ يوليو ٢٠١٤