Learning Article : 5 New Things You Can Try With Your italki Tutor

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<a href='/article/249/5-new-things-you-can-try-with-your-italki-tutor' target='_blank'>5 New Things You Can Try With Your italki Tutor</a>

You've taken charge of language learning, got an online tutor for regular lessons, but are you stuck doing the same old activities each week? Try these out for something fresh and new!

٩ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ٠٠:٠٠
التعليقات · 28

Hi Ryan!


Thanks for your article - if implemented, these tips will help keep classes interesting.

Can you describe the "silent" class in a little more depth? Is it an internet chat class? Would this be for students who want to improve their "chat" writing? Do you have the video on but not the audio (and why)? 




٢ أغسطس ٢٠١٥
I love this article! I am particularly interested in the role swap you proposed! I will definitely try that with my students. It would be cool to pretend that I, the teacher, am a celebrity or something like that and the student is an interviewer. So he/she can ask me questions about something and then write an article about that. The student will then practice understanding skills, writing skills but also will improve the capability in summarizing things that he/she's heard transforming them in written language.
١٠ أغسطس ٢٠١٦

Hello Mr.Ryan,

Thanks for your valuable article guiding many ways to make an interesting participation. I eager to use those, however I have to firstly find somebody being my language practicing partner :P

Best regards,

١٢ يونيو ٢٠١٦
These are several new things that I really want to try with my tutor exept a silent lesson)
٢٤ مارس ٢٠١٦
I look forward to reading this.
٢٦ مايو ٢٠١٩
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