How does one overcome the fear of moving abroad?

Hello all. I'll be studying for some months outside of my country. At first, the idea seemed to be great to me, but lately the idea scares me. This may sound silly, but since, I do not know anyone in that country, my English is not perfect and this is the first time that I leave my country, I'm scared. I sometimes wonder what my life will be like there without mastering the local language (English) and without having any acquaintaces there. I might have been overthinking about it, but for example I don't know what I would do if I get sick in that place or if I need a favour from anyone, haha. 

I would like to read your experiences if any of you ever felt like this.

Thanks in advance. 

٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ٠٠:٥٩
التعليقات · 9

Fear in such a situation is normal.. the difference is that a winner takes reasonable precautions and goes forward despite the fear, whereas a loser gives up.

Btw, don't worry about your English.. it looks fine to me. The most challenging part is probably getting off the plane, going through customs / immigration, and making it from the airport to the place where you'll be staying. You might want to role play some scenarios with your friends who are also learning English.

٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤

I have done a lot of traveling and have found that people are fairly decent and friendly wherever you go.  I'm sure you will make friends in your new location.  At first there may be a bit of culture shock, but that subsides in a matter of weeks.  If you are friendly and repectful toward the natives of the country, you should have no problem feeling at home.  Where will you be going?


٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤

A lot of tequila my man! (jaja just kidding). Are you going abroad to study or work? If your spoken English is as good as your written English I don´t think you need to worry. I once went to Holland as an exchange student and I was a little scared to leave my country, but once I got there and met some nice people, all of my fears disappeared. Keep an open mind and try to blend in, I´m sure you´ll have a great time!

٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤

Well I moved to a different country recently and it is scary at first. It's normal to feel that way. It takes time to get settled and get a group of friends. Just relax and try to be sociable and I'm sure you'll find people to get on well with. You don't mention where you're going. If it's somewhere like London then if you want to meet fellow Colombians then I'm sure you'll be able to find some.

٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤

You have to bite the bullet (accept that it will be difficult) but go for it (try it) anyway.


I moved abroad a couple of years ago and I couldn't speak the local language, so you are already in a much better position than I was because you can already speak some English. Your English will improve very quickly when you arrive and I think you'll maybe even surprise yourself with what you can achieve.


Try not to worry about too many things now (like, "what happens if.....?") - just focus on the fantastic opportunity before you and different life you will experience, and how much you will learn about yourself and the other culture at the same time. Not many people have that opportunity!


My advice is this:

1) Make sure you take some home comforts with you, for example a jar or tin of your favourite food (if it comes in a jar or a tin), your favourite sweets or chocolate, photographs, your favourite familiar things – anything that you have the space to take with you to make it feel more like home. You’ll appreciate it the most on those down days you might have when all you want is something homely.

2) Make sure your friends and family have Skype, and check they know how to use it!

3) Go out and make friends – there will no doubt be countless other people on your course who are in the same position as you so you won’t be the only one, take comfort from that, you will have something in common from the start!


Most importantly, enjoy yourself. You only live once, regrets are worthless.


Good luck!!

٢١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
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