Looking for language learning/exchange partner

안녕하세요! 무무입니다! / Hi! I'm Mumu! I'm new here, but I would like to make friends and if possible, a Korean language exchange partner :) In exchange, I will help you with English, Swedish or Thai!

I'm really friendly and like to chat, so if anyone's willing to be my friend or help me please do write to me! ^^ (You can also add me on skype, twitter or line!)


* I can read hangul and understand a little, and I also know very basic Korean grammar rules to construct few basic sentences. I'm trying to learn more from Talk to me in Korean and Korean MMORPGs (lol)...

Most of the time I talk with my fellow artist friends on twitter (giving them praise and thanking them...), I would ask them to help me but they say that they don't understand English :(

٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٤ ٠٠:٢٩