
Can someone please help me with Korean language. I want to know in Hangul the words for~ and,but,we,how...like connective words to create a sentence.. I hope I don't sound dumb asking such a question. I'm still learning so any one here that can help please I will be so thankful.

ellie =)

٩ مايو ٢٠١٥ ٠٥:٠٤
التعليقات · 5

for~ 을 위해

and 그리고

but 그러나

we 우리

how 어떻게


wow I don't need explain you~ because Gertie has done

١٥ مايو ٢٠١٥

Oh I'm not trying to be harsh. I'm just blunt and dry and sarcastic and straightforward half of the time. But it is quite broad. We don't know how much you know or if you're trying to say any sentence in particular.

The reason I said you want us to teach you everything was because you wrote "(connective) words to make a sentence" and I feel like there's quite a lot of words and grammar patterns to make a sentence depending on what you say. :)

I'm very positive and motivating and encouraging and helpful the other half of the time haha

١٠ مايو ٢٠١٥

No no I'm not asking for the community to teach me "everything" please don't be so harsh sounding :( I simply asked for a little help. Thank you for your words of wisdom though =) and thank you Maria for your input as well. =) 

٩ مايو ٢٠١٥

This is an extremely vague and broad question. You basically asked the community to teach you everything in one post. Also, you're only asking for words. You need to know grammar too ^^ In Korean, there's words for things like "and, but, so" (vocabulary) but there's also connective endings/conjugations (grammar). You need to build a strong foundation and start off at a good pace for you, while pushing your limits and stepping out of your comfort zone a bit when writing and speaking. Additionally, in my method of learning and teaching, I think it's important not only to study the language itself but how your native language(s) and target languages WORK.


Here's my response for how a beginner or anyone should start or continue to study Korean: http://www.italki.com/question/301202


Also, it should be spelled 그리고. 

Also, Korean uses a different word order and the English sentence is in the past tense so 저는 사과하고 오렌지를 샀어요.

٩ مايو ٢٠١٥

You can use 그르구 which means 'and' or 'also' and it's used when you want to connect two sentences or something like this.

but when you want to say for example 'I bought apple and orange' you can't use 그리구 you have to use 하고 and it's written with the first word, not separately '저는 사요 사과하고 오렌지'

٩ مايو ٢٠١٥