Am I in hell Astral? The period known as "Astral Hell" is the month preceding the anniversary of someone. At this time, many people experience moments of anxiety, depression or even bad luck, giving the turbulence to some mysterious astrological configuration. Does it really exists and is really inevitable? There are some explanations to understand these dreaded thirty days before the inauguration of a new age. The anniversary is nothing more than the framework of a new solar cycle in the life of a person, ie, the sun passes through the same point of the zodiac that was when she was born, signaling a new stage for his conscience. The days before this renewal are exactly the last of the previous cycle that consciousness came crossing. The cycles in astrology represent the stages of any development process and that "the end of a cycle" is characterized by having a quality time, marked by agitation, change, instability and disorder, added to uncertainty about the future that is to come. "This is because it is the end of the cycle that exhaust the possibilities of expression existing in its early stages and manifest the waste responsible for its dissolution. In short, the time immediately preceding the end of any cycle is characterized by disorder and the inversion of values ​​accepted in the beginning. " I personally do not believe in zodiac, but maybe I'm going through it.
٢٣ يناير ٢٠١٢ ٢٣:٣٣
التصحيحات · 4
@enSYS Really, I'm so happy now!!!! :)))))))
٢٧ يناير ٢٠١٢
Flawless except for one mistake
٢٦ يناير ٢٠١٢

Am I in hell Astral?

The period known as "Astral Hell" is the month preceding the anniversary of someone. At this time, many people experience moments of anxiety, depression or even bad luck, giving the turbulence to some mysterious astrological configuration. Does it really exists and is it really inevitable?

There are some explanations to understand these dreaded thirty days before the inauguration of a new age. The anniversary is nothing more than the framework of a new solar cycle in the life of a person, ie, the sun passes through the same point of the zodiac that was when she was born, signaling a new stage for his conscience. The days before this renewal are exactly the last of the previous cycle that consciousness came crossing.

The cycles in astrology represent the stages of any development process and that "the end of a cycle" is characterized by having a quality time, marked by agitation, change, instability and disorder, added to uncertainty about the future that is to come. "This is because it is the end of the cycle that exhaust the possibilities of expression existing in its early stages and manifest the waste responsible for its dissolution. In short, the time immediately preceding the end of any cycle is characterized by disorder and the inversion of values accepted in the beginning. "

I personally do not believe in zodiac, but maybe I'm going through it.

٢٦ يناير ٢٠١٢
I don't believe in it myself, but there are many who do. Maybe if you look up your horoscope, it might be clearer.
٢٦ يناير ٢٠١٢
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