I like to read I have a passion for the literature i like the novels, the short story and the poem.I read modern and classic writers. Now the my favourite is Jose Saramago i read all his books .Between the writers of short story i like Alice Munro and Raymond Carver. Among poets i like Emily Dickinson.
٢٨ يناير ٢٠١٤ ١٥:٥٦
التصحيحات · 10

I like to read

I have a passion for the literature I like the novels, the short stories and the poems.  I read modern and classic writers. Now the my favourite is Jose Saramago I read all of his books. Between the For writers of short stories, (Or you could say: For/ Among short story writers, ) I like Alice Munro and Raymond Carver. Among poets I like Emily Dickinson.


I enjoy Carver and Dickinson too!  I am absolutely a bibliophile, and read many kinds of literature and poetry in both French and English.  It is a great way to improve language skills. 

Grammar note: when we speak in general terms we use the plural and there is often no need for an article (the). 

٢٨ يناير ٢٠١٤

I like to read

I have a passion for the literature i like the novels, the short story and the poem.I read modern and classic writers. Now the my favourite is Jose Saramago i read all his books .Between the writers of short story i like Alice Munro and Raymond Carver. Among poets i like Emily Dickinson.


I like to read.  I have a passion for literature.  I like novels, short stories and poetry.  I read both modern and classical authors.  At present my favourite author is Jose Saramago.  I have read all his books.  Alice Munro and Raymond Carver are amongst my favourite short story authors while Emily Dickenson is my favourite poet.  (is a poet I like) 

٢٩ أغسطس ٢٠١٤
Thank you Al, good weekend and see you son ,Antonella
١ فبراير ٢٠١٤
Antonella, in the United States favourite is written favorite. Buon fine settimana. Al
٣١ يناير ٢٠١٤
Now I'm studying English Elina, but if you want to recommend a book I'll be happy to read it translated, Antonella
٢٩ يناير ٢٠١٤
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