The School Open Day Today is the open day of my son's school. We parents listened to the class with children, and play games together , all of us were very happy.Thanks for teacher's hard working in this semester.
٢٣ يوليو ٢٠١٤ ١٥:٢٣
التصحيحات · 8

The School Open Day The First Day of School

Today is the open day of my son's school my son's first day of school. We parents listened to the teacher class with the children, and we all played games together. All of us were very happy. Thanks I am/we are thankful/grateful for the teacher's hard working in this semester.

٢٣ يوليو ٢٠١٤

The School Open Day

Today is was the open day of/at my son's school. We parents listened to observed/looked on in the class together with the children, and played games together, all of us were very happy. Thanks for teacher's hard working in this semester.

٢٣ يوليو ٢٠١٤
هل تريد التطور بشكل أسرع؟
انضم لمجتمع التعلّم هذا وجرّب التمرينات المجانية!