It's almostly a month since i came to this company It's almostly a month since i came to this company .After i work a week ,a thief stolen my phone_xiaomi,i was so angry but i come down immediately.I have no rights to be angry with anybody but's my mistake.wuwu...伤心。。。
٢٠ أغسطس ٢٠١٤ ٠٩:٣٥
التصحيحات · 2

It's almostly a month since i came to joined this company. After I had been working there for a week ,a thief stole my phone_xiaomi. I was so angry but I calmed down immediately. I had no right to be angry with anybody but myself, since it was my own mistake. wuwu...伤心。。。

٢٠ أغسطس ٢٠١٤

It's Almostly a Month since i came to this company

It's almostly a month since i came to this company . I have been working at this company for almost a month. After I had been  working for  a week, a thief stolen my phone_xiaomi. ,I was so angry but I come down cooled down quickly immediately.I have no rights to be angry with anybody but myself. It's was my mistake.wuwu...伤心。。。

٢٠ أغسطس ٢٠١٤
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