Paulo Ribeiro
مُعلم محترف
Teaching English to a baby. Is it a good idea? From the information I have gathered from the book, there are several ways to teach a child a second language. I will try to speak with her in English as my wife and the rest of the family will speak Portuguese. It is a challenge for me, as I am not fluent in English myself. That’s why I will need help from the community. I realize that I need to improve my English before I can do this, but I think I need to start anyway. If I wait until I am fluent to begin teaching my child English I will probably teaching not at all to her.
٢١ أغسطس ٢٠١٤ ٠٣:٠٨
التصحيحات · 2

Teaching English to a baby. Is it a good idea?

From the information I have gathered from the book, there are several ways to teach a child a second language. I will try to speak with her in English as my wife and the rest of the family will speak Portuguese. It is a challenge for me, as I am not fluent in English myself. That’s why I will need help from the community.

I realize that I need to improve my English before I can do this, but I think I need to start anyway. If I wait until I am fluent to begin teaching my child English I will probably not teach her at all.


<em>I'm from the US, and my kids were born in Mexico. I investigated this same topic, and learned that all of us learn through association, which means we associate some with our Mom, and other things with our Dad. I think you could, but it will be awkward for them in the future to speak to you in English or Portugusee, whichever language you choose not to speak to them. Although my kids and I are fluent in Spanish, it feels strange to speak Spanish with them, and vice versa. My advice would be Portuguese, and helping them learn English on their own.</em>

٢١ أغسطس ٢٠١٤
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