Chess And Politics Chess is a popular game which was invented in India many centuries ago. This game arrived to Europe in the Medieval Ages and it was spread by the Muslims. From that time, it has been known as the game of armies. In fact, many politicians and militaries had been great chess players, for example Carlomagno or Napoleon. Why this people had so much interest in Chess? Perhaps because this is a game of strategy, concentration and wisdom. This are some of the best skills for a military or politician in every time. I am a chess player and a person interested in the history of this game and it evolution in the time. However, there is an important aspect that has suprised me: Throughout History the countries that have dominated the world, also have been the best players. The muslims, the Spaniards, the Frenchmen, or most recently the Americans and the Soviets have dominated this game when they controlled the world. Is it casuality? Is there any relationship between power and chess? I would not answer this question because I am not sure... In the future I suppose that the best player will be Chinese...If the tendency continues...
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ٠٩:٣٨
التصحيحات · 6

Chess And Politics

Chess is a popular game which was invented in India many centuries ago. This game arrived to Europe in the Medieval Ages and it was spread by the Muslims. From that time, it has been known as the game of armies. In fact, many politicians and military figures had been great chess players, for example Carlomagno or Napoleon. Why did those people had so much interest in Chess? Perhaps because, this is a game of strategy, concentration and wisdom. These are some of the best skills for a military or politicians in every any time.
I am a chess player and a person interested in the history of this game and it's evolution in the time. However, there is an important aspect that has suprised me: Throughout History the countries that have dominated the world, also have been the best players. The muslims, the Spaniards, the Frenchmen, or most recently the Americans and the Soviets have dominated this game when they controlled the world. Is it a coincidence casuality? Is there any relationship between power and chess? I would will not answer this question because I am not sure about  the answer myself. ( Or you could say: I do not know the answer myself)

In the future I suppose that the best player will be Chinese...If the tendency continues ( you have to finish the sentence- what tendecy? it should be written like this: If the tendency of world domination and  great chess contintue)

Interesting topic :) i enjoyed it 

Keep up, your English is great

٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
Oh yeah... Nowadays It seems strange to see elephants in a board of chess. The muslims changed elephants for horses (for them elephants were so exotic animals and too heavy to be used in war). Un saludo, Hessa.
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
Elephants ? wow I didn't know that.. in that poem the poet mentions his horse pawn. So , I guess the Arabians had the horses pawns :) no problem about the correction I enjoyed the topic - :)
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
It's a great story about Chess in the ancient Arabia. I am going to look for some information about this poet. Two things more about this game: At the beginning the players used elephants instead of horses (because it was the animal used in the army in India). On the other hand, the person that invented this game was a woman, but it is not clear. Thanks again, Hessa.
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
Just a little of information on chess and culture- In pre Islamic .Arabia .. pagan Arabians were very fond of the game. There was a very famous Arab poet by the name of Imru al Qais. He was a womanizer and his poets were mostly about his relationships with women. In one of his poems he describes his chess playing with a woman where the chess game was like a war and with every move of his pawn he would give his beloved a kiss. great POETRY AND GREAT EXPERISONS.
٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
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