Can you check my listening of this video? <Ocean Energy - Wave Power Station> I was listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcStpg3i5V8 And I'm certain of some parts of the video(0:06~0:19, 0:54~1:03, and 2:03~2:15). I wrote down some parts of the video. It's okay if you don't listen to the whole video, I would be also glad to know the sentences I signified with (?). 0:06 Hardly interrupted, waves break at the coastlines, sometimes strong, sometimes weaker. There is enormous energy potential that is available around the clock(? rock) and free of charge. 0:19 0:48 The operating principle way of this power station is as simple as it is ingenious 0:54 And enclosed chamber as it(has it?) opening beneath sea level, which allows water to float from the sea to the chamber and back. 1:03 The water level in the chamber rises and falls with the rhythm of waves, and air is forced forwards and backwards through the turbine connected to an upper opening in the chamber. 1:18 As it is it is compressed and decompressed, the air flow has sufficient power to waves through turbine. It is a feature of the waves turbine, named after its inventor, that it is driven in the same direction by both forward and reversed airflow through the turbine. Even relatively low wave motions can generate enough airflow to keep the turbine moving and to generate energy. 1:50 2:03 The world's first power station of this kind was put in service as released November 2000 on the Scottish island of ila(?) and as been feeding power to the greed(?) ever since 2:15
١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ١٧:٠١
التصحيحات · 4

Can you check my listening of this video? <Ocean Energy - Wave Power Station>

I was listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcStpg3i5V8
And I'm certain of some parts of the video(0:06~0:19, 0:54~1:03, and 2:03~2:15). I wrote down some parts of the video. It's okay if you don't listen to the whole video, I would be also glad to know the sentences I signified with (?).

0:06 Hardly interrupted, waves break at the coastlines, sometimes strong, sometimes weaker. There is enormous energy potential that is available around the clock(? rock) and free of charge. 0:19

0:48 The operating principle way of this power station is as simple as it is ingenious 0:54 And enclosed chamber as it(has it?) opening beneath sea level, which allows water to float from the sea to the chamber and back. 1:03 The water level in the chamber rises and falls with the rhythm of waves, and air is forced forwards and backwards through the turbine connected to an upper opening in the chamber. 1:18 As it is it is compressed and decompressed, the air flow has sufficient power to drive the well's  waves through turbine. It is a feature of the waves well's turbine, named after its inventor, that it is driven in the same direction by both forward and reversed airflow through the turbine. Even relatively low wave motions can generate enough airflow to keep the turbine moving and to generate energy. 1:50

2:03 The world's first power station of this kind was put in service as released November 2000 on the Scottish island of Islay [It's spelt like this but pronounced as ila(?) because it's a Gaelic word] and as been feeding power to the grid greed(?) ever since 2:15

١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
my mistake **And I'm certain of some parts of the video>And I'm not certain of some parts of the video
١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
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