Going to school It is time to get up. I will urge my son wake up when he still sleep in the morning every day. Put on your cloths and go to wash your face . We will start to go to school if all is ready. I will say "take your schoolbag and don't forget to take anything you need in the school." Thus new one day start.
١٧ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤ ٢١:٢٢
التصحيحات · 3

Going to school

It is time to get up. I will urge my son to wake up when he still sleeping in the morning every day [1, 2]. Put on your cloths clothes and go to wash your face . We will start to go to school if when all is ready. I will say,  "tTake your schoolbag and don't forget to take anything you need in the school." Thus new one day starts.



[1] If a sentence is short, you can put the time at the start or at the end:

"Every day I wake up early."

"I wake up early every day."

But if the sentence is long, the time should be at the start.  Otherwise, it is too hard to read the long sentence.

"Every day in the morning I will urge my son to wake up while he is still sleeping."

[2] Rather than saying "in the morning every day", you can simply say "every morning":

"Every morning I will urge my son to wake up while he is still sleeping."

١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠١٤
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