My favourite director My favourite director is Quentin Tarantino. I think that he is a genius!!! I love his movies! My favourite movie is "Django Unchained"! but I love "Inglorious Bastards" too! I have done my exams thesis on Quentin, i have wrote his biography and i have analyzed Inglorious Bastards! I have done a confrontation between Inglorious Basterds and "La vita è bella" (an italian famous movie of Roberto Benigni). I have seen the trailer of his new film and i think it will be fantastic! I can't wait that it will be at the cinema!
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التصحيحات · 2

My favourite director

My favourite director is Quentin Tarantino.
I think that he is a genius!!! I love his movies!
My favourite movie is "Django Unchained"! but I love "Inglorious Bastards" too!
I wrote my exams thesis on Quentin,I wrote his biography and I analyzed " Inglorious Bastards"
I made a comparison between Inglorious Basterds and "La vita è bella" (a famous Italian  movie  by Roberto Benigni).
I have seen the trailer for his new film and i think it will be fantastic! I can't wait for it to  be at the cinema!


I agree with you Deborah,I love his movies too.

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